TinyMCE and FCKeditor support

I consider that the support for both TinyMCE and FCKeditor (both licenced under LGPL) is a must for Yii 1.0

How would be the best way to implement this? as methods in CHtml: CHtml::TinyMCE and CHtml::FCKeditor? or as widgets: CTinyMce and CFckEditor (maybe inherited from CInputWidget?)?  :-\


It is better to implement them as widgets by extending CInputWidget.

FCKeditor seems to be too big to be suitable for being included in the  framework release.

As a side note I am working on a widget for markItUp (http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/home/) which has this function plus it allows you to expand its use to other markup syntax like wiki & bbcode along with html


As a side note I am working on a widget for markItUp (http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/home/) which has this function plus it allows you to expand its use to other markup syntax like wiki & bbcode along with html

sounds cool!

Could the support for these editors be implemented as an extension that we can easily add to the application if we need it?

I would like to keep the "core" framework as lightweight and simple as possible and add the stuff I need.

Yeah, I think extensions are more suitable.

In the future, besides the framework release, we will also release some official extensions (such as TinyMCE or FCKeditor widgets). Users can also contribute their extensions to the repository.