Timezone In Yii


My application is hosted on the shared hosting server. The database timezone is EST.

I want my application to use IST Timezone everywhere where date time is concern, ex- (create,view, update etc).

I searched the forum and added the below line in main.php but nothing happened.

‘timeZone’ => ‘Asia/Calcutta’,

Can anyone please suggest.

Dear Friend

By calling this code in a view


echo Yii::app()->timeZone;

echo "</br>";

echo date('Y/m/d H:i:s',time());

echo "</br>";


echo Yii::app()->timeZone;

echo "</br>";

echo date('Y/m/d H:i:s',time());

echo "</br>";

I am getting this as output.

Same thing happens when I configure main.php


Hi seenivasan,

Thanks for your prompt response.

Sorry but i didnt get you, do you mean to say to paste Yii::app()->timeZone=‘Asia/Calcutta’; in main.php, so that it will take effect in view also.

Dear Friend

If I add the following line to main.php


and if I call the following code in a view

echo Yii::app()->timeZone;

echo "</br>";

echo date('Y/m/d H:i:s',time());

what I am getting is

If I add the following line to main.php


and if I call the following code in a view

echo Yii::app()->timeZone;

echo "</br>";

echo date('Y/m/d H:i:s',time());

what I am getting is

Hi seenivasan,

I am using the below code to insert the current time and after that the code to view the comments of today’s date only.

since the database time is in EST zone now function saves the time in EST.

Can you please suggest.

protected function beforeSave()   


		$this->create_time=new CDbExpression('NOW()');

		return TRUE;   


public function actionIndex()


		$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('comment' ,array( 





                                'condition'=>'DATE(create_time) = CURDATE()',//datefield 

								'order'=>'create_time DESC',








Dear Friend

After configuring in main.php


You modify the method beforeSave

protected function beforeSave()   


        $this->create_time=date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());

        return TRUE;   


function actionIndex()



                $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('comment' ,array( 





                                'condition'=>"DATE(create_time) =$today",//datefield 

                                'order'=>'create_time DESC',








Hi seenivasan,

Thanks for your valuable time and support.

It worked as expected.