timepicker extension

I’m new to Yii, and I’m having trouble getting timepicker extenstion to work (http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/timepicker). I unzipped it into my protected/extensions folder and imported it in the config file by including ‘applications.extensions.timepicker.*’ in the import array. I added jquery-ui to the layout that will hold the view, and I see in other views with the same layout that it is being loaded. I have a view named create.php. It has a $model that holds an object of type Reservation (the information connected with a single car reservation.) I have tried two approaches to calling the extension so that it will display in the create view. One is to put the code from the instructions directly in the create.php file, the other is to have a file named _timepicker.php that holds the code from the instructions, and call that from create.php with:

<?php echo $this->renderPartial(’_timepicker’, array(‘model’=>$model)); ?>

The code from the instructions is:


$this->widget(‘applicaton.extensions.timepicker.timepicker’, array(





In either case, I get an error pop-up saying “Error Loading Page” and the create view isn’t displayed (you stay on the original index page). Nothing shows up in the php_error.log file. Grepping for “Error Loading Page”, it seems to be coming from jquery.

I don’t understand what I am doing wrong. Am I supposed to be creating a special $model for the widget? If so, what should it look like?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.