
On documentation of CDateTimeParser, there are these patterns:

Pattern |      Description


d       | Day of month 1 to 31, no padding

dd      | Day of monath 01 to 31, zero leading

M       | Month digit 1 to 12, no padding

MM      | Month digit 01 to 12, zero leading

yy      | 2 year digit, e.g., 96, 05

yyyy    | 4 year digit, e.g., 2005

h       | Hour in 0 to 23, no padding (since version 1.0.5)

hh      | Hour in 00 to 23, zero leading (since version 1.0.5)

m       | Minutes in 0 to 59, no padding (since version 1.0.5)

mm      | Minutes in 00 to 59, zero leading (since version 1.0.5)

s	   | Seconds in 0 to 59, no padding (since version 1.0.5)

ss      | Seconds in 00 to 59, zero leading (since version 1.0.5)


Seconds are required in lowercase to be correctly parsed.

However, locale time formats ares spceficied in uppercase. CDateFormatter also requires time format in uppercase ("HH").

Why they are different?

In the actual situation I am not able to parse and after format the same datetime correctly, according locale time formats specifications…

I’m trying to correct my i18-datetime behavior, but this is bugging me.

Something very similar has been fixed, maybe other parts of them are also affected?

In fact. It has been fixed 2 days ago. Probably in the next days we will have another new version (1.0.9), so I will wait for it.

Thanks, pestaa!