

I am trying to display "hello world" string using the above statement.

my total code of the MessageController is :


class MessageController extends Controller


		public function actionShow()



			// create a new instance of MessageForm model 

			&#036;message=new MessageForm; 



			* check to see if the MessageForm fields were filled in 


			* If they were, then print out the message and author 

			* with the show render - based on what the user inputted 


			* If not, then print out the default hellow world and  

			* default author with the show render. 







						&#036;message-&gt;message = &quot;Hello World&quot;; 					

						&#036;message-&gt;author = &quot;Default Author&quot;; 



				public function actionError()





								echo &#036;error['message'];


								&#036;this-&gt;render('error', &#036;error);




	 public function actionEdit()


			// create a new instance of MessageForm model 

			&#036;message=new MessageForm; 


			* check to see if All the fileds are filled in on the form 

			* if so proceed to assign the values to the variables in the message model (author and message) 


			* If they validate (no errors) then render the show page with the new data values 


			* If there's errors, return to the edit form showing the errors 


			* Finally if the form wasn't set then we render the edit page so that the user can input field values.  








						&#036;this-&gt;render('edit', array('message'=&gt;&#036;message)); 



					&#036;this-&gt;render('edit', array('message'=&gt;&#036;message)); 



	public function actionIndex()




		public function actionSubmit()





      can anyone help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Please apply pretty formatting to your code - it’s hard to read it…

[ code]

…your code …

[ /code]

Non-format code blows my head.

Click on <> icon in the editor and put your code inside.


   public function ezToRead()



