The Property « Cdbcriteria.is_Activ » Is Not Defined

Hello !

I’ve had a new field in my table user “is_activ”.

I just added it in phpmyadmin.

But, when I want to search result for is_activ == true, erro occured :

      $criteria=new CDbCriteria(); 



      $usersActiv = User::model()->findAll($criteria);

The property « CDbCriteria.is_activ » is not defined

But setting works : $user->is_activ = false without any bugs…

What’s wrong ? :confused:

I couldn’t reproduce the issue you describe, at least reproducing all the steps you mentioned.

Bug still here…

Maybe I mis-defined this field.

Can you tell me which steps are needed in order to add new field ?

Just adding it in BDD is enough ?

I have to files :

BaseUserEvent and UserEvent (whcich extends BaseUserEvent) :



 * This is the model base class for the table "user_event".


 * Columns in table "user_event" available as properties of the model:


      * @property string $user_id

      * @property string $event_id

      * @property integer $user_event_status_id

      * @property string $checkin_id

      * @property bool $is_activ

      * @property bool $get_moovpoint  


 * Relations of table "user_event" available as properties of the model:

 * @property EventActivity[] $eventActivities

 * @property EventSuggestion[] $eventSuggestions

 * @property EventSuggestion[] $eventSuggestions1

 * @property EventThread[] $eventThreads


abstract class BaseUserEvent extends AppActiveRecord {


    public static function model($className = __CLASS__) {

        return parent::model($className);


    public function tableName() {

        return 'user_event';


    public function rules() {

        return array(

            array('user_id, event_id', 'required'),

            array('user_event_status_id, checkin_id', 'default', 'setOnEmpty' => true, 'value' => null),

            array('user_event_status_id', 'numerical', 'integerOnly' => true),

            array('user_id, event_id', 'length', 'max' => 10),

            array('checkin_id', 'length', 'max' => 19),

            array('user_id, event_id, user_event_status_id, checkin_id, is_activ, get_moovpoint', 'safe', 'on' => 'search'),




    public function __toString() {

        return (string) $this->checkin_id;


    public function behaviors() {

        $behaviors = array(

        'activerecord-relation' => array('class' => 'EActiveRecordRelationBehavior')


      return CMap::mergeArray(parent::behaviors(), $behaviors);


    public function relations() {

        return array(

            'eventActivities' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'EventActivity', 'user_id'),

            'eventSuggestions' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'EventSuggestion', 'user_id'),

            'eventSuggestions1' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'EventSuggestion', 'event_suggestion_position(user_id, event_suggestion_id)'),

            'eventThreads' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'EventThread', 'user_id'),



    public function attributeLabels() {

        return array(

            'user_id' => Yii::t('app', 'User'),

            'event_id' => Yii::t('app', 'Event'),

            'user_event_status_id' => Yii::t('app', 'User Event Status'),

            'checkin_id' => Yii::t('app', 'Checkin'),

            'is_activ' => Yii::t('app', 'Is active'),

            'get_moovpoint' => Yii::t('app', 'Can get MP'),



    public function search() {

        $criteria = new CDbCriteria;

        $criteria->compare('user_id', $this->user_id);

        $criteria->compare('event_id', $this->event_id);

        $criteria->compare('user_event_status_id', $this->user_event_status_id);

        $criteria->compare('checkin_id', $this->checkin_id);

        $criteria->compare('is_activ', $this->is_activ);

        $criteria->compare('get_moovpoint', $this->get_moovpoint);

        return new CActiveDataProvider(get_class($this), array(

                                                          'criteria' => $criteria,

                                                          'pagination' => array(

                                                          'pageSize' => $this->getPageSize(),






And UserEvent :



  class UserEvent extends BaseUserEvent




     * @return UserEvent


    public static function model($className = __CLASS__)


      return parent::model($className);



     * @param $id

     * @return $this


    public function event($id)


      $criteria = array('condition'=>'t.event_id = :event_id','params'=>array(':event_id'=>$id));


      return $this;



     * @param $id

     * @return $this


    public function user($id)


      $criteria = array('condition'=>'t.user_id = :user_id','params'=>array(':user_id'=>$id));


      return $this;



     * @param $bool

     * @return $this


    public function isactiv($bool)


      $criteria = array('condition'=>'t.is_activ = :bool','params'=>array(':bool'=>$bool));


      return $this;


    public function scopes()


       $s = array(

         'in' => array('condition'=>'user_event_status_id='.UserEventStatus::IN,'together'=>true)


      return CMap::mergeArray(parent::scopes(),$s);


    public function relations()


      $r = array(

        'user' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'user_id'),

        'event' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Event', 'event_id'),


      return CMap::mergeArray(parent::relations(), $r);


    public function afterSave()


      if( $this->user_event_status_id != UserEventStatus::IN ) {

        // find all suggestions positions of this user and delete them

        $positions = EventSuggestionPosition::model()->user($this->user_id)->event($this->event_id)->findAll();

        foreach( $positions as $pos ) {





       * Notify invited user except if it's the event creator


      if( $this->isNewRecord && !$this->notified && $this->user_id != $this->event->user_id) {

        $notification = new NotificationUserEvent($this);







You just need to add it to your db table.

You may need to refresh db schema (if it’s cached according to a connection configuration) and/or to add a new attribute to a model validation rules to mark it ‘safe’ for a massive assignment.

Why do you mention BDD here? What do you mean?