the problems on CCaptcha


I encounter a problem when i use CCaptcha in my register module. when i input the correct captcha at first time, the validate can’t success, and then i change the captcha, it works. is this a bug of capcha? forward someelse answer!


this is the url of website:

I confige capture like this:

               // captcha action renders the CAPTCHA image displayed on the contact page






and follow is my code in register.php

  	<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(



	)); ?>

			<ul class="frm-group group1" id='registerform'> 

				<li class='field'>

					<div class='input'>


						<?php echo $form->textField($register,'username',array('style'=>'width:300px;')); ?>

						<p class='ok'></p>


					<div class='msg show-attention'>

						<?php echo $form->error($register,'username'); ?>

						<p class='attention'>5-20个字符,一个汉字为3个字符,<br/>一旦注册成功,会员名不能修改


					</div><!--/msg show-attention-->



				<li class='field'>

					<div class='input'>

						<label>密  码:</label>

						<?php echo $form->passwordField($register,'password',array('style'=>'width:300px;')); ?>

						<p class='ok'></p>


					<div class='msg show-attention'>

						<?php echo $form->error($register,'password'); ?>

						<p class='attention'>密码请使用6-20位英文、数字,为了你的密码安全,请使用英文和数字混合密码。


					</div><!--/msg show-attention-->



				<li class='field'>

					<div class='input'>


						<?php echo $form->passwordField($register,'password2',array('style'=>'width:300px;')); ?>

						<p class='ok'></p>


					<div class='msg show-attention'>

						<?php echo $form->error($register,'password2'); ?>

						<p class='attention'>请重复上面的密码,确保两次密码输入一致性。


					</div><!--/msg show-attention-->



				<li class='field'>

					<div class='input'>


						<?php echo $form->textField($register,'email',array('style'=>'width:300px;')); ?>

						<p class='ok'></p>


					<div class='msg show-attention'>

						<?php echo $form->error($register,'email'); ?>

						<p class='attention'>请确保Email地址的有效性,今后此Email将作为您找回密码获取服务的关键。


					</div><!--/msg show-attention-->



				<li class='field code-field'>

					<div class='input'>


						<?php echo $form->textField($register,'verifyCode'); ?><?php $this->widget('CCaptcha'); ?>


					<div class='msg show-attention'>

					<?php echo $form->error($register,'verifyCode'); ?>

						<p class='attention'>



					</div><!--/msg show-attention-->


				<li class='field submit-field'>

					<div class='input'>

						<?php echo CHtml::submitButton(Yii::t('register','提交'),array('class'=>'button')); ?>




		<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>


OK,resolve the problem. when i change the attributes of CCaptchaAction, it works.

I put the $testLimit=0, then , validate successfully!

if you delete this config code :

,you will validate successfully too.

but i don’t kown the real reason;

Trying to update the testLimit isn’t the best way to resolve it;

Let’s find the real answer;

I got the same problem too. Maybe that is kind of bug in Yii.

maybe the problem is when ajax validation is enabled, the script is refreshed behind the browser (including the CCaptcha session) but not followed by CCaptcha image. So, it’s always fail after the form was submitted.