Yes Sure, let me complete it first, i will email you comments.
Yes Sure, let me complete it first, i will email you comments.
Hello Radha
i will be interested for the review but don’t have a copy of the book. send me the e-book and i will post a review in my website within 2 weeks. my mail Thanks
I bought the book last week and read the first two chapters. I have to say that the app that is developed in the book is very interesting, it’s actually similar to something I wanted to build for some time. However, imho, the TDD has a little bit too much focus. It was actually an obstacle for me since I had trouble setting the environment (XDebug, PHPUnit and Selenium) which prevented me from following the book’s examples. I will retry to setup the environment again and start the book from the beginning, and if that doesn’t work I’ll have to skim through the book to skip all the TDD-related sections. Note that I just read the first two chapters (for now).
Beside the TDD detail, I think the first two chapters were really good, I really enjoyed reading them. The author has a way of explaining things that simplifies the learning process greatly.
I found some minor errors, about 3 I guess, like wrong attributes names, but I didn’t write them down , I will try to find them. I have other problem, I can’t find anywhere code for assigning project creator to project in role as owner. I downloaded code from site and run code from chapter 9 and this is not implemented. When I searched it in next chapters I couldn’t find it either. But beside this it is really good book, it forced me to start using unit test for every feature, and I think I start using it in all of my projects.
I found new error I will write them here then send them to publisher.
Chapter 10 site 249 in url manager there is site/commentFeed should be comment/feed
I already had the e-book, but today the printed book has been delivered and I’ve to say that there’s nothing like a real book
The book is great! I like the TrackStar App idea, I’m developing in a Windows Environment with Visual Studio and VS.PHP + WAMP, the debug process is easy with VS.PHP.
Suggestion, the Author only focus on Linux Commands, maybe for the next edition you can publish windows comands.
Yii Rocks!
Radha - I’m about half-way thru myself, and will get you my comments as soon as I wrap it up - so far so good!
It is definitely worth reading it not only because you develop a real life application through each iteration but also because the writing style is very … friendly so to say
I’ve bought it too (book + ebook) and now I’m waiting to have my copy delivered Seems interesting from what I’ve already saw on the ebook, but as you said i do prefer too to have the real book on my hands
I’m also interested in XDebug / PhpUnit that is something I didn’t looked at yet.
Just received the “real book”