Will you be updating this book in further edtions?
In my opinion the TDD would have been best left to a single chapter (or another book), rather than clouding most chapters. Many people do not wish to use this approach and it makes things difficult for newbies.
I was somewhat disappointed that the RBAC was not completely implemented throughout the application. That is, with the final result any user could create, edit or delete any project, thus negating the access control elsewhere. There was no provision for giving users global permissions when creating/editing users or any indication as to how to use access control at this level. This was only implemented for issues. I didn’t see any comment about this being left up to the reader and with such an important aspect of development I think the reader should have been walked right through.
Encountered a few problems due to Yii version (I use SVN latest version), however these were easily overcome.
I appreciate your comments on the TDD approach. I understand how some might view this as extra complexity when just trying to learn a new framework. On the other hand, many people have really enjoyed the TDD by example approach and appreciate it with in the context of building an application.
On the bottom of page 212, close to the end of Chapter 8 (The RBAC chapter) it does state:
“We won’t go through implementing the access checks for all of the other functionality. Each would be implemented in a similar manner”.
I agree this is just a short couple of sentences and more attention could have been paid to the fact that this was being left up to the reader as an exercise to complete on their own.
I will certainly incorporate some of your feedback when/if there is a second edition.