Tbbuttongroup Like Dropdownlist

on a view I have the following dropdown:

echo CHtml::dropDownList('program_id', Yii::app()->session['cur_program_id'], $arr2,


			'ajax' => array(




			        'success'=>'function(response) {


			                $.fn.yiiGridView.update("sales-statement-grid", {data: $(this).serialize()});





a newbie question, but could someone give me a headstart on how to make an ajax call from the TbButtonGroup widget, like in the dropdownlist that i quoted above?

    <?php $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButtonGroup', array(




            array('label'=>'Select Outlet', 'items'=>$arr),


    )); ?>

how do i define the items array? Along these lines?

array_push($arr, array(








Thanks to @Lothor I have made some progress…

I have my TbNavBar:

<?php $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbNavbar', array(





	'fixed' => false,





                array('label'=>'select outlet', 





                array('label'=>'select year', 'url'=>'#'),

                array('label'=>'select month', 'url'=>'#'),






where the items under the menu item "select outlet" are defined as:

	$arr = array();

	foreach($outlets as $value) {

		array_push($arr, array(




		        'ajax' => array(




			        'success'=>'function(response) {

			        		oData = response.split("|");



			                $.fn.yiiGridView.update("sales-statement-grid", {data: $(this).serialize()});






This all works fine, except for:

  1. when a link is clicked in the dropdown, the dropdown stays and does not close…

  2. labels with characters such as apostrophes get displayed as & # 0 3 9 ;

with a little bit of help from friends…