Tbbuttoncolumn - Can Not Access $Data Variable

I am trying to add a TbButtonColumn to a instance of a TbGridView in one of my views as follows:


&#036;this-&gt;widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView', array(

  	'id' =&gt; 'resource-list',

    'pager' =&gt; array('class'=&gt;'bootstrap.widgets.TbPager', 'displayFirstAndLast'=&gt;true),

    'pagerCssClass' =&gt; 'pagination pagination-centered',

  	'type' =&gt; 'bordered striped',

    //'dataProvider' =&gt; &#036;dataProvider,

    'dataProvider' =&gt; &#036;resource-&gt;search(&#036;pageSize),

    'filter' =&gt; &#036;resource,

  	'emptyText' =&gt; HtmlHelper::alert('&lt;strong&gt;Oops&#33;&lt;/strong&gt; No records found to show'),

  	'template' =&gt; &quot;{items}&#092;n{pager}&quot;,

    'htmlOptions' =&gt; array(

  		'class' =&gt; 'resource-layout',


  		'data-url' =&gt; &#036;this-&gt;createUrl('resource/list')


  	'columns' =&gt; array(


    		'name' =&gt; 'name',



    		'name' =&gt; 'keywords',

    		'value' =&gt; '&#036;data-&gt;getLabelledKeywords()',

    		'type' =&gt; 'html'



    		'filter' =&gt; Classification::getDDListData(),

    		'name' =&gt; 'classification_id',

    		'value' =&gt; '&#036;data-&gt;classification-&gt;name'



    		'header' =&gt; 'Collection',

    		'name' =&gt; 'collection.name',



    		    'class' =&gt; 'bootstrap.widgets.TbButtonColumn',

    		    'template' =&gt; '{parent_url} {target_url} {view}',


            'viewButtonOptions' =&gt; array('class'=&gt;'resource-view'),



                'parent_url' =&gt; array


                    'label'=&gt;'Parent Url',



                        'class'=&gt;'colorbox_iframe parent_url',



                        'data-href' =&gt; ResourceUrl::getResourceUrlParentLink(&#036;data-&gt;id),



                'target_url' =&gt; array


                    'label'=&gt;'Target Url',



                        'class'=&gt;'colorbox_iframe target_url',



                        'data-href' =&gt; ResourceUrl::getResourceUrlTargetLink(808),








I am trying to add this line ‘data-href’ => ResourceUrl::getResourceUrlParentLink($data->id),

but I am getting an error that the $data variable does not exist. I know that the call to the function is working,as when I hard wire the id, the code works perfectly.

What do I need to do be able to access the record id field for the current row?

Thank you

I don’t think you can access the $data variable from the ‘options’ element without extending the TbButtonColumn class.

Hi BlkRaven,

Thank you your response and link. The article looks like exactly what I will need to do, to get my code to work.
