Tabular Input And Global Validation

Hello, I’m new to Yii and maybe I’m missing something there.

Let’s say I have a basic table called videos with ID_video and video_url as fields. As a single model instance I would like to validate inputs, let’s say that video_url is required and I want to apply a url type validator. That’s fine and ok with normal rules() function in the model.

public function rules() {

        return array(

            array('video_url', 'required'),

            array('video_url', 'length', 'max'=>200),

            array('ID_video, video_url', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),



I would like to create a controller action to let users input in a single form 5 video links. In this specific scenario I would only need that at least one of the 5 inputs apply to the rules. If the other 4 are blank that’s fine by me.

I followed a wiki page that describe how to do tabular inputs and as long as the validation pass (all the 5 inputs are entered and correct) it works beautifully, I can do insert, update and deletes in a single step.

public function actionBatchUpdate($id)


            // LOGIC TO HANDLE $items array





                foreach($items as $i=>$item)






                    $valid=$item->validate() && $valid;


                    //echo $item->scenario;



                if($valid) {

                    foreach($items as $i=>$item)


                        if ($item->attributes["ID_video"])


                            // Caso di update o cancellazione

                            if ($item->attributes["video_url"])


                                $item->isNewRecord = false;








                          $item->isNewRecord = true;









            // displays the view to collect tabular input



But still I cannot figure out how I can define a global validation that stick to the scenario above. From what I understand validation applies to a single instance of a model. Also if I declare the input as safe in a custom scenario (‘batchUpdate’) and declare my $item instances with this scenario, still the validation rules belonging to this scenario aren’t taken into account.

I have to do a manual validation in my controller and set $valid to true if at least one of the input is ok?

In the code above where there are the lines:

// LOGIC TO HANDLE $items array


there is actually the real logic to handle the 5 inputs and determine which one should be a new item and which one is to update. So $items is correctly initialized.

Thank you very much for any help.

Hi! I’ve just recently registered an account but I’ve been around reading posts for quite some time now.

I decided to make one to ask for clarification why the validation doesn’t seem to work for this?