T_Paamayim_Nekudotayim Error After Override Cbuttoncolumn

I overrode CButtonColumn class and code work in perfect way on localhost(windows) , but when I uploaded it to linux server I had this error :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/xxx/public_html/protected/components/GridView/XCButtonColumn.php on line 65

I read about what mean “T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM” , it’s mean “::” link here ,but I didn’t understood what i can do to fix problem .

line 65:

if (is_array($modelClass::model()->primaryKey))

This is my code :


class XCButtonColumn extends CButtonColumn


	public $htmlOptions = array('class' => 'center vcenter');

	public $viewButtonOptions = array('class' => 'btn btn-default tip view');

	public $viewButtonImageUrl = '';

	public $viewButtonHtml;

	public $updateButtonOptions = array('class' => 'btn btn-default tip update');

	public $updateButtonImageUrl = '';

	public $updateButtonHtml;

	public $deleteButtonOptions = array('class' => 'btn btn-default tip delete');

	public $deleteButtonImageUrl = '';

	public $deleteButtonHtml;

	public $showImage = false;

	public $showHtml = true;

	protected function renderButton($id, $button, $row, $data)


    	if (isset($button['visible']) && !$this->evaluateExpression($button['visible'], array('row' => $row, 'data' => $data))) return;

    	$label = isset($button['label']) ? $button['label'] : $id;

    	$url = isset($button['url']) ? $this->evaluateExpression($button['url'], array('data' => $data, 'row' => $row)) : '#';

    	$options = isset($button['options']) ? $button['options'] : array();

    	if (!isset($options['title'])) $options['title'] = $label;

    	if ($this->showImage) {

        	if (isset($button['imageUrl']) && is_string($button['imageUrl'])) {

            	echo CHtml::link(CHtml::image($button['imageUrl'], $label), $url, $options);

        	} else {

            	echo CHtml::link($label, $url, $options);


    	} else {

        	if (isset($button['html']) && is_string($button['html'])) {

            	echo CHtml::link($button['html'], $url, $options);

        	} else {

            	echo CHtml::link($button['html'], $url, $options);




	protected function initDefaultButtons()


    	if ($this->viewButtonLabel === null) $this->viewButtonLabel = Yii::t('zii', 'View');

    	if ($this->updateButtonLabel === null)

        	$this->updateButtonLabel = Yii::t('zii', 'Update');

    	if ($this->deleteButtonLabel === null)

        	$this->deleteButtonLabel = Yii::t('zii', 'Delete');

    	if ($this->viewButtonImageUrl === null)

        	$this->viewButtonImageUrl = $this->grid->baseScriptUrl .


    	if ($this->updateButtonImageUrl === null)

        	$this->updateButtonImageUrl = $this->grid->baseScriptUrl

            	. '/update.png';

    	if ($this->deleteButtonImageUrl === null)

        	$this->deleteButtonImageUrl = $this->grid->baseScriptUrl

            	. '/delete.png';

    	if ($this->viewButtonHtml === null)

        	$this->viewButtonHtml = '<i class="icon-zoom-in iconwhite"></i>';

    	if ($this->updateButtonHtml === null)

        	$this->updateButtonHtml = '<i class="icon-edit iconwhite"></i>';

    	if ($this->deleteButtonHtml === null)

        	$this->deleteButtonHtml = '<i class="icon-trash iconwhite"></i>';

    	if ($this->deleteConfirmation === null)

        	$this->deleteConfirmation = Yii::t('zii', 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?');

    	$modelClass = $this->grid->dataProvider->modelClass;

    	$controller = strtolower($modelClass);

    	if (is_array($modelClass::model()->primaryKey))

        	$paramExpression = '",$data->primaryKey)';


        	$paramExpression = '",array("id"=>$data->primaryKey))';

    	foreach (array('view', 'update', 'delete') as $id) {

        	$button = array(

            	'label' => $this->{$id . 'ButtonLabel'},

            	'url' => 'Yii::app()->urlManager->createUrl("' . "$controller/$id$paramExpression",

            	'imageUrl' => $this->{$id . 'ButtonImageUrl'},

            	'html' => $this->{$id . 'ButtonHtml'},

            	'options' => $this->{$id . 'ButtonOptions'},


        	if (isset($this->buttons[$id]))

            	$this->buttons[$id] = array_merge($button, $this->buttons[$id]);


            	$this->buttons[$id] = $button;


    	if (!isset($this->buttons['delete']['click'])) {

        	if (is_string($this->deleteConfirmation))

            	$confirmation = "if(!confirm(" .

                	CJavaScript::encode($this->deleteConfirmation) . ")) return false;";


            	$confirmation = '';

        	if (Yii::app()->request->enableCsrfValidation) {

            	$csrfTokenName = Yii::app()->request->csrfTokenName;

            	$csrfToken = Yii::app()->request->csrfToken;

            	$csrf = "\n\t\tdata:{ '$csrfTokenName':'$csrfToken'


        	} else

            	$csrf = '';

        	if ($this->afterDelete === null)

            	$this->afterDelete = 'function(){}';

        	$this->buttons['delete']['click'] = <<<EOD

function() {


var th = this,

afterDelete = $this->afterDelete;

jQuery('#{$this->grid->id}').yiiGridView('update', {

type: 'POST',

url: jQuery(this).attr('href'),$csrf

success: function(data) {


afterDelete(th, true, data);


error: function(XHR) {

return afterDelete(th, false, XHR);



return false;






Thanks in advance

Check PHP version on server.

requires 5.3 or newer.

For older versions of PHP it can be replaced by

if (is_array(CActiveRecord::model($modelClass)->primaryKey))

Thank you so Much :)