Suggestion for naming properties and method parameters to differentiate when they are HTML escaped and not

I suggest to rename all method parameters in all of Yii framework to include ‘html’ as a suffix or prefix, if the method parameter will not be HTML encoded. This should be a trivial task as renaming a parameter does not change an interface, unless the programmer is using black magic reflection.

Also, for new properties of new classes it would be good to have the same suffix or prefix, ‘html’ to remind that the property is not automatically escaped. This can even go further. Rename existing properties, provide an alias for the old name via getter/setter and then deprecate the old name.

Also, for consistency sake, properties, which do escape their content may have a suffix ‘text’.

For example, consider these method signatures for CHtml:


public static string link(string $text, mixed $url='#', array $htmlOptions=array ( ))


public static string link(string $html, mixed $url='#', array $htmlOptions=array ( ))


public static string activeCheckBoxList(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $data, array $htmlOptions=array ( ))


public static string activeCheckBoxList(CModel $model, string $attribute, array $htmlData, array $htmlOptions=array ( ))


public static string htmlButton(string $label='button', array $htmlOptions=array ( ))


public static string htmlButton(string $html='button', array $htmlOptions=array ( ))


public static string htmlButton(string $htmlLabel='button', array $htmlOptions=array ( ))



$htmlOptions = array('empty' => ... , 'prompt' => ...)


$htmlOptions = array('emptyHtml' => ... , 'promptHtml' => ...)

I don’t think that such a renaming can help in to prevent xss vulnerability.

The question is to be carefull when we are displaying some user input, in this case use CHtml::encode, that’s all.

I’m not see any practical benefit from your suggestion.

Each developer should care by himself about xss vulnerability.

I guess parameter names should be descriptive. It’s in developers responsibility to check the API or source for actual implementation and possible security issues.

Also your suggestion is like the vote says just a reminder. If you forget to encode one field out of 1000, you might still be subject to xss.