while importing a new project in work into Eclipse, I managed to overwrite all my trackstar work which was very disappointing. Luckily the publisher provides code for each chapter so I installed the app at the end of chapter 8, configured the app for my environment and ran the unit tests. The tests all pass as mine did, BUT I get weird characters:
C:\Users\Philip\xampp\htdocs\trackstar\protected\tests>phpunit unit
♣▬ ☻ Mac OS X ☻ 2 ç ☻ ╣ ATTR ,ýY ╣ ÿ ! ☺ ÿ ! §com.macromates.caret {
column = 0;
line = 8;
} ♣▬ ☻ Mac OS X ☻ 2 ê ☻ ║ ATTR ,ý[ ║ ÿ " ☺ ÿ " §com.macromates.caret {
column = 35;
line = 1;
} ♣▬ ☻ Mac OS X ☻ 2 è ☻ ╝ ATTR ,ý] ╝ ÿ $ ☺ ÿ $ §com.macromates.caret {
column = 47;
line = 162;
}PHPUnit 3.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 2 seconds, Memory: 8.50Mb
OK (15 tests, 40 assertions)
This is really puzzling. Has anyone got any idea what’s going on?