Strange characters during units tests

Hi all,

while importing a new project in work into Eclipse, I managed to overwrite all my trackstar work which was very disappointing. Luckily the publisher provides code for each chapter so I installed the app at the end of chapter 8, configured the app for my environment and ran the unit tests. The tests all pass as mine did, BUT I get weird characters:

C:\Users\Philip\xampp\htdocs\trackstar\protected\tests>phpunit unit

 ♣▬ ☻  Mac OS X         ☻          2   ç   ☻   ╣                                      ATTR ,ýY   ╣   ÿ   !               ☺   ÿ   !  §com.macromates.caret {

    column = 0;

    line = 8;

} ♣▬ ☻  Mac OS X         ☻         2   ê   ☻   ║                                      ATTR ,ý[   ║   ÿ   "               ☺   ÿ   "  §com.macromates.caret {

    column = 35;

    line = 1;

} ♣▬ ☻  Mac OS X         ☻         2   è   ☻   ╝                                      ATTR ,ý]   ╝   ÿ   $               ☺   ÿ   $  §com.macromates.caret {

    column = 47;

    line = 162;

}PHPUnit 3.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 2 seconds, Memory: 8.50Mb

OK (15 tests, 40 assertions)

This is really puzzling. Has anyone got any idea what’s going on?

is there any other file not related to the test in test\unit folder?

Yup, now that you mention it, there’s a .svn folder in the tests folder.

remove files “._*.php”, that’s it, ._ProjectTest.php, ._IssueTest.php, ._DbTest.php, and ._CommentTest.php

on windows, weird characters came from these files

Thank you elvan-problem solved.

I would be obliged if someone could tell me where all these ._*.php files (in the downloadable source code) come from? Are they superfluous?