strange CaccessRules


I’m trying to deny access for non-admin user to all actions with the following code :

public function accessRules() {

    return array(array('deny','actions'=>array(),'users'=>array(










Using the code above, Yii allows all actions to all users.

is it normal ?

Your rules do not apply to any actions, so if yii has an action it searches for a rules that is defined for it. If there is no matching deny rule, it will not deny.

This is not what I had read in the class reference:

Guess you have to remove that ‘actions’=>array() there.

Simply define the rule without specifying anything about the actions :wink:

This is what i did but i get the same result (guest users can access all actions) :

    public function accessRules() {

        return array(array('deny','users'=>array(










oops i forgot:

Or at least how i can quickly deny all actions to all users except ‘admin’ ?

Like this?

array('allow', 'users'=>array('admin')),

array('deny', 'users'=>array('*')),

Using this code i can access all actions while i’m logged out

Test it yourself

I’ve just tried. Just created a controller with gii’s controller generator, and added controller filter rules (because they are not included by default):

class OtherController extends Controller


    public function filters()


        return array(




    public function accessRules()


        return array(

            array('allow', 'users'=>array('admin')),

            array('deny', 'users'=>array('*')),




It works as it’s intended to:

  • When no one is logged, no access.

  • If someone is logged outside ‘admin’ login, no access.

  • If ‘admin’ login is successfully logged, full access.

(I created the controller with 2 dummy actions just to be sure).

If your controller looks like above, I think you have to check your code, or post your config file and controller

oops i just found the problem, I did not realize that i had deleted the following:

public function filters() {

    return array('accessControl');
