Strange behavior of http client

Hello there.
I am trying to request web page by POST via yii\httpclient\Client
(Currently page I request belong to same site I sending request from, but it will change later)
How it should work: I send AJAX POST to page /api/request-acceptor-open, script on that page sends POST with some data to /api/c-request-acceptor-open

Yii is running as Test Server ( yii serve from folder @app/tests/bin)
How I create request:

$client = new Client([
    'baseUrl' => $addressToSend,
    'requestConfig' => ['format' => Client::FORMAT_JSON],
    'responseConfig' => ['format' => Client::FORMAT_JSON]

$response = $client->createRequest()
        ->addHeaders(['content-type' => 'application/json'])
            'timeout' => \Yii::$app->params['httpTimeout'] ?? 10, 
        ->setContent( json_encode($data) )

When I run this code as it should be,

$addressToSend = 'http://localhost:8080/api/c-request-acceptor-open'

, i receive error

"Cannot send confirmation: fopen(http://localhost:8080/api/c-request-acceptor-open): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!"

Without timeout restricitions

Operation timed out after 30000 ms with 0 bytes received

Server access log looks like

[Thu Apr 15 19:32:55 2021] PHP 7.4.12 Development Server (http://localhost:8080) started
[Thu Apr 15 19:32:58 2021] Accepted
[Thu Apr 15 19:32:58 2021] [200] POST /api/request-acceptor-open
[Thu Apr 15 19:32:58 2021] Closing
[Thu Apr 15 19:32:58 2021] Accepted
[Thu Apr 15 19:33:08 2021] [200] POST /api/request-acceptor-open
[Thu Apr 15 19:33:08 2021] Closing
[Thu Apr 15 19:33:08 2021] Accepted
[Thu Apr 15 19:33:08 2021] [200] POST /api/c-request-acceptor-open
[Thu Apr 15 19:33:08 2021] Closing

(Log screenshot)

If I visit this page http://localhost:8080/api/c-request-acceptor-open via any browser, it works fine.

When I set address as test domain

$addressToSend = 'http://wash/api/c-request-acceptor-open'
$addressToSend = 'http://wash:80/api/c-request-acceptor-open'

I receive correct answer and everything work ok.

Why is it happening?

Will be grateful for any help. Thank you.

Maybe too many requests at the same time? PHP built-in server can handle only a single request at a time.

Yes, looks like this.