Stop load jquery library from assets folder in Yii

I had problem in my app that made it slow , after checked firebug

I noted that jquery-ui loaded twice first from and second from assets folder ("232kb") .

How to force it to load from without assets version ?

View content " JavaScript to call Ajax function ":


 		$(".third,#second-next,#fourth-pr").click(function () {



                    	url: '<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('site/CallScientificForm',array('language'=>language())); ?>',

                    	type: 'GET',

                    	dataType: 'html',

                    	beforeSend: function () {



                    	success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) {

                        	$("#hr3").css("background", "#51a351");



                        	$("#firstContent ,#secondContent,#thirdContent,#fourthContent").fadeOut(2000);





                    	error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {

                        	$('#' + id + ' .contentarea').html(textStatus);


                    	complete: function() {

                        	$(this).data('requestRunning', false);








  	public function actionCallScientificForm()


        	$scienceModel = new MembershipScientific();

        	$view= $this->renderPartial('_ScientificForm', array('scienceModel' => $scienceModel, 'language' => language()), false, true);

        	echo $view;




Main config:





















And I called it in target view like this :


	cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();





Thanks in advance

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It’s well known bug and you can find plenty of solutions.

I use ‘scriptFile’ option in my widgets so instead of adding new asset with the js it uses the same one I registered for the whole site.

Thanks Bizely , I traid scriptFile , and



        	'jquery.js' => '//',

        	'jquery.min.js' => '//',

        	'jquery-ui.js' => '//',

        	'jquery-ui.min.js' => '//'


But same results in firebug ?!

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Problem was solved by disable js , and recall js files in layout .


'components' => array(     'clientScript' => array(          // disable default yii scripts         'scriptMap' => array(             'jquery.js'     => false,             'jquery.min.js' => false,             'core.css'      => false,             'styles.css'    => false,             'pager.css'     => false,             'default.css'   => false,         ),     ),
