Sr. Yii (1 & 2) Programmer (Available again)

Warm wishes to all the dear Community members,

Just completed a Yii project, a WCMS, and now again looking for new opportunities.

With this project, I have enhanced my own skill-set and now have good hands on making solutions with key features like :

  • Friendly third party code to make an easy extensible product/system

  • Easy Jquery , ajax and JS integration

  • Layered server – side caching and ofcourse advanced MVC patterns

Please contact me on with your project requirements , I will be glad to work with you at very economical cost in-order to meet your budget expectations.

Skill-set includes:

PHP (5.x and 7) : Yii 1.x and 2.x, Laravel 4 & 5, Javascript (Angular , Node, TDD etc.), Bootstrap, MVC, OOP, VCS : Git, Jquery, Ajax, XML; Database (MySql, MongoDB, PostgreSQL), and Sever (Linux, Apache, Nginx) etc.

Let’s get in touch to discuss about my experience and previous projects, sample links , project briefs, hourly/project quotes and your requirements and project needs etc.

Can comfortably assist you across Custom Website Development, Web Applications and web services, Framework Development, Enterprise solutions, Website/Portal Upgradation, Modules/Plugins Development, Customization Solutions, Maintenance and Support, Google map and api services, JS & Ajax enabled widgets etc.

Looking forward for your valuable inquiries.

Wish you success,

Scott W.

$kype: cis.scott