"SQL case" syntax in Yii


Do you know the syntax for "case" in Yii?

I used this, but it does not work

$model->getDbConnection()->createCommand('SELECT CASE CodeAgence WHEN NULL THEN CodeClient  ELSE CodeAgence  END "Client / Agence" FROM Reglement')->queryAll();

Thanks for help :)

This works :

$model->getDbConnection()->createCommand('SELECT CASE WHEN CodeAgence IS Null THEN CodeClient ELSE CodeAgence END "Client / Agence" FROM Reglement')->queryAll();

Why not to make a usual findAll and then use a getter method?


In the model:

public function getCode()


   if ($this->CodeAgence!==null)

       return $this->CodeAgence;


       return $this->CodeClient;


In any view you can now use $model->code like any other property.

Thank you zaccaria, is the solution I’m looking for.

I made the changes to the "CGridView" like this :

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(







)); ?>

but it does not work, it still displays the "CodeAgence" even if it is NULL

In the model Reglement :

	public function getCode($CodeClient,$CodeAgence)


	   if ($CodeAgence!==null)

	       return $CodeAgence;


	       return $CodeClient;


In the view Admin

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(







)); ?>

This works, but is this the best solution ??

Try something like:

        public function getCode()


           if ($this->CodeAgence!==null)

               return $this->CodeAgence;


               return $this->CodeClient;


The function getCode will be invoked on the actual instance of the model, so the properties codeAgence and codeClient will be available in $this.

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(






)); ?>

The magic getter method will make so that the property code will be accessed using the magic function getCode we just wrote.

Thank you very much zaccaria :)

It works well :)

Just a small change in columns :

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(






)); ?>

The filter does not work :(


	public function search()


                $criteria=new CDbCriteria;





You should do the filter by yourself.

In CDataGrid:


array('name'=>'code', 'filter'=>CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'CodeClient')


This will make the filter to send the data in post to the property CodeClient.

Now you can write the filter relying on $this->codeClient.


You may try to see solution that we’ve worked out I think on similiar problem. Hope that helps.



Thank you :) This works