Sorting And Filtering With 2 Relations

The question is about when adding columns to CgridView from a relation model.

I’v done that couple of times and all worked.

But now , I’m trying to add columns from 2 different models.

The columns are shown with all the right data , but when I add the relation filters and sorting for both , I’m getting sql errors.

When I switch off one of them , all is working fine for the "active model relation"

Any suggestions how can I have both?

public function search($param = array())


		// Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that

		// should not be searched.

		$criteria=new CDbCriteria($param);










		$criteria->with = array('person');                                                 //getting columns from person

		$criteria->compare( 'person.first_name', $this->fname_search, true );

		$criteria->compare( 'person.last_name', $this->lname_search, true );

		$criteria->compare( '', $this->phone_search, true );

		$criteria->compare( '', $this->email_search, true );


		$criteria->with = array('event');                                             //getting columns from event

		$criteria->compare( '', $this->name_search, true );

		$criteria->compare( 'event.hebDay_id', $this->day_search, true );

		$criteria->compare( 'event.start_time', $this->time_search, true );

		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(






                'desc'=>'person.first_name DESC',




                'desc'=>'person.last_name DESC',




                'desc'=>' DESC',




                'desc'=>' DESC',





                'desc'=>' DESC',




                'desc'=>'event.hebDay_id DESC',




                'desc'=>'event.start_time DESC',








I think here you overwrite the previous "with" parameter:

$criteria->with = array('event');

Solution 1:

// ...

$criteria->with = array('person', 'event');

$criteria->compare( 'person.first_name', $this->fname_search, true );

$criteria->compare( 'person.last_name', $this->lname_search, true );

$criteria->compare( '', $this->phone_search, true );

$criteria->compare( '', $this->email_search, true );

$criteria->compare( '', $this->name_search, true );

$criteria->compare( 'event.hebDay_id', $this->day_search, true );

$criteria->compare( 'event.start_time', $this->time_search, true );

// ...


Solution 2:

// ...

$criteria->with = array();

$criteria->with[] = 'person';                                                 //getting columns from person

$criteria->compare( 'person.first_name', $this->fname_search, true );

$criteria->compare( 'person.last_name', $this->lname_search, true );

$criteria->compare( '', $this->phone_search, true );

$criteria->compare( '', $this->email_search, true );

$criteria->with[] = 'event';                                             //getting columns from event

$criteria->compare( '', $this->name_search, true );

$criteria->compare( 'event.hebDay_id', $this->day_search, true );

$criteria->compare( 'event.start_time', $this->time_search, true );

// ...

$criteria->with = array('person', 'event');

worked fine! .

Before I tried (‘person, event’). . . .