Sorting a CMap of objects

Does anyone have any idea how one can sort a CMap of objects based on a property of the object?

I tried using uasort but that will not accept CMap;

	protected static function compareBlocks($blockA, $blockB)


		if($blockA instanceof LayoutBlock && $blockB instanceof LayoutBlock)


			if($blockA->getWeight() === $blockB->getWeight())


				return 0;


			return ($blockA->getWeight() <= $blockB->getWeight()) ? -1 : 1;


			throw new CException(Util::t('Both blocks must be instances of LayoutBlock or one of it\'s children.'));




	protected static function sortBlocks($blocks)


		if($blocks instanceof CMap)


			uasort($blocks, array(__CLASS__,'compareBlocks'));


		return $blocks;


I also tried to write a simple bubble sort function to do it, but I was having trouble there using the CMapIterator.

Any help is welcome.

It’s easiest to create a new CMap. You can use an intermediate PHP array to do the actual sorting:



$newMap=new CMap($data);

Thank you.

prior to reading your post, I came up with

	protected static function compareBlocks($blockA, $blockB)


		if($blockA instanceof LayoutBlock && $blockB instanceof LayoutBlock)


			if($blockA->getWeight() === $blockB->getWeight())


				return 0;


			return ($blockA->getWeight() <= $blockB->getWeight()) ? -1 : 1;


			throw new CException(Util::t('Both blocks must be instances of LayoutBlock or one of it\'s children.'));




	protected static function sortBlocks($blocks)


		if($blocks instanceof CMap)


			$blocks = Util::mapToArray($blocks);



		uasort($blocks, array(__CLASS__,'compareBlocks'));


		return Util::arrayToMap($blocks);


However, I’d like to change it to something more effecient.