[SOLVED] Unable to resolve the request "admin/sysMessage/index".

In the book I’ve stuck at Chapter 12. I can reach the localhost/trackstar/admin page with no problem it comes nicely with the default theme as it meant to. But when I try to visit localhost/trackstar/admin/sysMessage/index , Yii gives me an Error 404 Unable to resolve. Tried my site on different server as well (just to make sure it’s not a fault of my apache server), but it didn’t work there either. So I suspect a fault in my config.

This is from my config/main.php


		// uncomment the following to enable the Gii tool




		 	// If removed, Gii defaults to localhost only. Edit carefully to taste.



		'admin',  //as you can see here I've added the admin module here.


My files are all where there meant to be:

  • modules/


  • admin/


  •     controllers/


  •         SysMessageController.php

[*] models/

  •         SysMessage.php

[*] views/

  •         sysMessage/


  •             {all the view files for sysMessage}





Also here is my urlManager settings:
















			'showScriptName' => false,


Ps.: I’m using Yii 1.1.8

Oh good Lord I’m stupid! I’ve change the SysMessageController.php (instead of models/SysMessage.php) that it extends from TrackStarActiveRecord class instead of Controller… of course it wont work that way!!! :D

I’m just gonna leave this here, just in case someone else would do such a mistake.

Thank you, I did the exact same thing. ;D