[solved] strange Validation problems


I’m using default Gii Crud and validation to Begin End date attributes like this:

	public function rules()


		return array(

			array('SEnd','compare','compareAttribute'=>'SBeg','operator'=>'>', 'allowEmpty'=>false , 'message'=>'wrong', 'on'=>'create, update'),

			array('SName, SBeg, SEnd', 'required'),

			array('SName', 'length', 'max'=>50),

			array('SComm', 'safe'),

			array('SeaID, SName, SBeg, SEnd, SComm', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),



Now I noticed that validation is somehow skipped - only rarely it is done and I don’t know the reason why, have you got such a problems? Where could be the reason for skipping compare validation.


BTW How to add simple TRIM to entered create form field? I see other frameworks has a build in TRIM function.



I guess it will be locale dependent and may possibly be dependent on the number of characters entered. The standard CCompareValidator just use the inherent operators (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=) on the two operands.

A different approach might be to convert to unix dates in beforeValidate.


And of course the most obvious solution is a customized compareDateValidator.


Could You give an example of your possible conversation to Unix date?

Yet another problem:

How to specify TRIM function in Yii style, e.g. entering Name without blank spaces in left/right side (e.g. LTRIM and so on)

Thanks for help in advance!


PHP strtotime() seems to do the job. I’m still working on this so I might reconsider. No need for different locales in my case.

protected function beforeValidate()



  if (!($this->date_in_db = strtotime($this->date_from_view)))

    $this->addError('date_...', 'Bad date');


Leave the property for the view in a format suitable for redisplay, in case the validation fails.

There’s a filter validator that can be used with trim().

See the first example here:



Thanks! Solved trimming with Filter:

public function rules()


  return array(


    array('OName', 'filter', 'filter'=>array($this,'trimmer')),




And custom function:


function trimmer($value) 


 $newValue = trim($value);

 return $newValue; 


And about the validation problems, I just removed ‘on’=> params and it works fine now :)

Thanks again, if anyone has something to add you’re welcome!