[Solved] "space" Character When Call Widget Or "echo $Content" In Layout

Hi everybody,

I got a small problem:

When I use <?php echo $content;?> I got a strange string like: ""

So it created a space on my website display, I must using margin on CSS.

Now I call a widget to print some string I got the same problem, like the image.



My Widget:


class CSNews extends CWidget


    public function init()




    public function run(){

		$model = News::model()->findAll(array("limit"=>10, "order"=>"id DESC"));

        $this->render('csnews', array('model'=>$model));




and the view:

<ul class="news" id="news">

<?php foreach ($model as $new) {

	echo "<li>";

	echo CHtml::link($new->cutTitle(30), array("/home/default/news", "slug"=>$new->slug), array("title"=>$new->title));

	echo "</li>";

} ?>


Anybody could help me remove the "SPACE"?

Using a 3rd program and I’ve converted all files to UTF-8 (event framework files). Now everthing is OK!

At the time of display value used trim,rtrim or ltrim, these functions used to remove space from string.