[SOLVED]RBAC = ProjectTest Problem

I was getting this error, whenever I ran the php unit, can someone please point the thing

that I was missing here ? ( I don’t really understand what the error is trying to say. I get the same error

even after I truncated those tables at the bottom and re-run the test file

ProjectTest unit test code


class ProjectTest extends  CDbTestCase



    public $fixtures = array(

        'projects' => 'Project',

        'users' => 'User',

        'projUsrAssign' => ':tbl_project_user_assignment',

        'projUserRole' => ':tbl_project_user_role',

        'authAssign' => ':AuthAssignment',


     public function testGetUserOptions()


        $project = $this->projects('project1');

        $options = $project->userOptions;


        $this->assertTrue(count($options) > 0);



     public function testUserRoleAssignment()


        $project = $this->projects('project1');

        $user = $this->users('user1');




    public function testIsInRole()


        $row1 = $this->projUserRole['row1'];


        $project = Project::model()->findByPk($row1['project_id']);



    public function testUserAccessBasedOnProjectRole()


        $row1 = $this->projUserRole['row1'];


        $project = Project::model()->findByPk($row1['project_id']);

        $auth = Yii::app()->authManager;

        $bizRule = 'return isset($params["project"]) && $params["project"]->isUserInRole("member");';

        $auth->assign('member', $row1['user_id'],$bizRule);




        $this->assertTrue(Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateProject', $params));


        $project = Project::model()->findByPk(1);

        $params = array('project'=>$project);


        $this->assertFalse(Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('readIssue', $params));

        $this->assertFalse(Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateProject', $params));



AuthAssignment table


One of assertions in testUserAccessBasedOnProjectRole failed so you don’t have an access to one of the operations: updateIssue, readIssue or updateProject while test states you should have it.

solved. thanks

How? I have the same problem!


I can assume it was solved by adding necessary role assignments.


How you solve the issue, can you post the guide how to do it.