[SOLVED] Question about statically attached behaviors

In my module I run the following code in order to collect the user ids.

The problem is that the attached behavior’s method getId() cannot be run on the user models.

I get the following error:

Property "User.getId" is not defined.

Here is my code:


// Attach my behavior to the user model class

CActiveRecord::model($userClass)->attachBehavior('myBehavior', new MyUserBehavior);

// Fetch all the users

$users = CActiveRecord::model($userClass)->findAll($criteria);

// Collect the ids

$userIdList = array();

foreach( $users as $u )


	$u->enableBehavior('myBehavior'); // This doesn't change anything.

	$userIdList[] = $u->getId();



If I look into one of the user objects I can see the behavior attached but still it’s methods cannot be called.

I’m out of ideas, any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


You have to attach the behavior to each instance separately for everything to work properly. Thanks for all the answers!

Hi Chris,

I’m not expert but maybe, when you write

CActiveRecord::model($userClass)->attachbehavior('mybehavior', new MyUserbehavior);

you are creating a new model instance for class $userName, and then attach a behavior to it, and then … then nothing ! I mean, the instance you have created does have a ‘mybehavior’ behavior, but you are not using this instance anymore.

Then on the second line …

// Fetch all the users

$users = CActiveRecord::model($userClass)->findAll($criteria);

… you’re creating a new instance for class $userClass and this time you use it to fetch rows … but you have not attached any behavior to this instance.

So the solution would be to write something like :


$m->attachbehavior('mybehavior', new MyUserbehavior);

$users = $m->findAll($criteria);

// Collect the ids

$userIdList = array();

foreach( $users as $u )


        $userIdList[] = $u->getId();


Maybe I’m missing something but I think this should work.

Of course another solution would be to declare behaviors inside the model class definition (like described here) but as you are dynamically creating Models, I guess this doesn’t fit your needs.

hope this helps



I know it works if I attach the behavior separately to each instance of the model. However, I was hoping that it would be possible to avoid calling attachBehavior multiple times. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem possible.

Thanks for the help.

Did you consider using the behaviors() method (perhaps in a subclassed model)?



Hello tri,

Unfortunately the user class isn’t a part of the module. This is why I cannot use the user model’s behavior-method in this case.

Sure it’s possible but it would require developers using my module to manually add my user behavior to their user model which I don’t want because it’s prone to error.