SOLVED Problem with 1.0.4


I have some small application working with the 1.0.3 Yii version. Today I wanted to use the new 1.0.4 version, but I got an error:

"Missing argument 1 for VeranstaltungenModule::init(), called in /srv/yii_framework/yii-1.0.4/framework/base/CModule.php on line 78 and defined"

It works great with the 1.0.3 version. Do you have any idea what the problem is?


remove parameter from init method in your module class. Check doc http://www.yiiframew…t-detail-detail and update file.


remove parameter from init method in your module class. Check doc http://www.yiiframew...t-detail-detail and update file.

Thanks a lot!

Please check the file named UPGRADE in the release, e.g. http://www.yiiframew…GRADE-1.0.4.txt

We do aim to reduce, none if possible, these backward incompatibility changes as we progress.