[SOLVED] How to sort a merged array of ActiveRecords

Hi all,

I’ve created a recursive function that returns members from a specific team recursively. The recursion goes into sub teams and returns those members as well.

// --- TeamController ---

public function getMembers($recursively = true)


	if ($recursively)


		$members= $this->members;

		foreach ($this->subTeams as $subTeam)

			$members= array_merge($members, $subTeam->getMembers(true));

		return $members;



		return $this->members;


Database Tables:

Members: id, userId, teamId

Users: id, name, email

Team: id, name

Member relation

return array(

	'user' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'userId'), ...

The problem is that the array is not sorted. I want to sort the array by Users.Name and give it to CHtml::dropDownList(). I was playing with CArrayDataProvider but couldn’t figure out how to sort on a relational table.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


This one actually sorts the array, but guess what? The array contains less data! How come?

$dpr = new CArrayDataProvider($members, array(

		'sort' => array(

			'attributes' => array('name' => 'user.name'),

			'defaultOrder' => 'name'



	$members= $dpr->getData();

Okay, I finally figured what was going on.

So relational sort has to specify this way:

'sort' => array(

	'attributes' => array('name' => 'user.name'),

	'defaultOrder' => 'name'


The pagination is enabled by default and the pageSize is set to 10. So I had to disable the pagination manually as follows:

'pagination' => false

The full working code:

$dpr = new CArrayDataProvider($members, array(

	'sort' => array(

		'attributes' => array('name' => 'user.name'),

		'defaultOrder' => 'name'


	'pagination' => false


$members= $dpr->getData(true);