[Solved] How To Reuse Javascript Data In Php View (Edit : All Data In The Post But Not Displaying) (Solved)

Hi everybody.

I have a view where I have a script :

If I alert() nbNavettes i have the right number.

but now, I want to reuse this var in my php.

So I have to go back to the server. (no?)

then, I try to send it with a render partial :


	echo( $this->renderPartial(








or with an ajax function :

<script type="text/javascript">


	url: "<?php echo CController::createUrl('admin/UpdateAjaxFormPrixQualite');?>",

	data: (						







but doesnt work

have any other idea? (I got the string ‘js:nbNavette’ and not the value… ^^

is that possible to have this format of code to send it ?

 // this work on a dropdown list ajax option.

'ajax' => array(

		'type' => 'POST',

		'url' => @Yii::app()->createUrl('admin/UpdateAjaxFormNbJours'),

		'data' => array('form'=>serialize($form),'nbJours'=>'js:this.value', 'tab'=>$tab),

		'update' => '#dateEvent'),

thanks :)

solution :

so what I have :

My script :

<script type="text/javascript">

	$.ajax({type: "POST",

	url: "<?php echo CController::createUrl('admin/UpdateAjaxFormPrixQualite');?>",

	data:  {nbNavettes :nbNavettes<?php echo($i);?>},



		$('#prixNav<?php echo($q);?><?php echo($i);?>').html(data);

	     }else{<?php echo("error");?> }}				        



My action in the controller :

    public function actionUpdateAjaxFormPrixQualite()









and My _prixNavette view :

echo('hi ! : nb Navette '.$nbNavettes);

thanks to all :)