[SOLVED] How to get id from CJuiSortable itemtemplate for CHTML::Link

Hello folks,

I am trying to create a sortable list with "edit" and "delete" links by using CHTML::link.


Create a sortable list with the ability to delete or update an entry in the list.


The sorting it self is working and the results are stored to the DB. I am however trying to insert the links in the itemtemplate. I am unable to get the id for the chtml::link.

I used the knowledge described in this wiki entry as an example: Ordering Models by Weight with CJuiSortable


	public function actionUpdate($id)



		// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed








                $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Catalogitem', array(

			'pagination' => false,

			'criteria' => array(

                                'condition' => 'catalog_id='.$id,

				'order' => 'sort ASC, parameter DESC',








Relevant Viewpart

$items = CHtml::listData($dataProvider->getData(), 'id', 'parameter');

$delete = CHtml::link('Delete', '#', array('submit'=>array('catalogitem/delete', 'id'=>'{id}'), 'confirm'=>'Are you sure?'));

        $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiSortable', array(


                'items' => $items,

                'itemTemplate'=>'<li id="{id}" class="ui-state-default"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>{content}'.$delete.'</li>',





Does anyone know how I can provide the $items id to the CHTML::link from the itemTemplate? If there is a better solution I am all ears ;)

Hi there,

After reviewing the way JSortable works, I see that every item is created as ‘id’=>‘content’ <— in your case is ‘parameter’. Now, what you have to do is to include the links on the parameter attribute :)

How to do that? There a couple of ways but the easiest one is the following. Loop through the $items before giving the array to the CJuiSortable:

$items = CHtml::listData($dataProvider->getData(), 'id', 'parameter');

$sortableItems = array();

foreach($items as $id=>$content)

     $sortableItems[$id] = $content. ' '.CHtml::link('Delete', '#', array('submit'=>array('catalogitem/delete', 'id'=>$id), 'confirm'=>'Are you sure?'));


 $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiSortable', array(


                'items' => $sortableItems,

Note: Totally untested :P

btw, welcome to the forum


You are the man!

It works great. I will post my solution here shortly.

It’s an obvious solution, but I have to get used to way yii works.

This is my solution:

Catalog\update view


        // get items from controller

        $items = $dataProvider->getData();

        $sortableItems = array();

        // Add custom CSS and add control buttons

        foreach($items as $item)


                $sortableItems[$item->id] = 

                        '<div class="ui-widget-content">' . CHtml::encode($item->parameter) . '</div> ' .

                        '<div class="ui-widget-content">' . CHtml::encode($item->value) . '</div> ' .

                        CHtml::link(Chtml::image('images/icons/cross.png', $alt='Delete'), '#', array('submit'=>array('catalogitem/delete', 'id'=>$item->id), 'confirm'=>'Delete item?')). ' ' .

                        CHtml::link(Chtml::image('images/icons/pencil.png', $alt='Edit'), array('catalogitem/update', 'id'=>$item->id));


        // clear the items array


        $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiSortable', array(


                'items' => $sortableItems,

                'itemTemplate'=>'<li id="{id}" class="ui-state-default"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>{content}</li>',

                // additional javascript options for the accordion plugin





