[SOLVED] How to associate model with sub-form?


I’m using Form Builder to create a form consisting of two sub-forms. Each sub-form is associated with a different model.

The form is represented by the following array:

return array(





            'model'=>'Users',                     <------------------














            'model'=>'Accounts',                 <------------------

















This confiduration generates an error, similar to the error if no model is associated

with the form. What am I doing wrong and how should I associate a model to a (sub)form?


The model assignments are not part of the structure of the (sub)form. If you want to associate models with the sub-forms, use the following assignments after calling CForm():

$form = new CForm('application.views.accounts.registerAccountForm');

$form['users']->model = new Users;

$form['accounts']->model = new Accounts;