[Solved] How Do You Connect Two Cjuisortable Together?

I’d like to know how you connect two sortable together. Also, I’d like to make one not sortable if possible. I thought you used connectWith option but I can’t seem to get it to work nor find much about it with Yii.


 $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiSortable', array(

                	'id' => 'questiontypeList',

                	'items' => $sortableItems,

                	'itemTemplate' => '<li id="{id}">{content}</li>',




                	'options' => array(

                    	' connectWith'=>'#orderList',



 $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiSortable', array(

                	'id' => 'orderList',

                	'items' => $sortableItems,

                	'itemTemplate' => '<li id="{id}">{content}</li>',




                	'options' => array(

                    	' connectWith'=>'#questiontypeList',




I also tried connecting via the class and didn’t have any luck either.

edit it just started working and i have no clue why