Solved Gii

I recently downloaded the latest version of Yii (1.1.14), created a webapp, and installed the latest version of Yiistrap.

I followed all the steps in Getting Started, and what always used to work

    'modules' => array(


        'gii' => array(

            'generatorPaths' => array('bootstrap.gii'),



now gives the following error when I try to load http://localhost/test/index.php?r=gii :

Property "GiiModule.gii" is not defined. 

Anybody else run into this problem?

read this first:

Then try below code in modules:



            'password'=>'tt', //'Enter Your Password Here',

            // If removed, Gii defaults to localhost only. Edit carefully to taste.






yes I think some defining error make change according to johnny

Thank you ! Noticed my embarrassing typo :slight_smile: :expressionless: