[SOLVED] Fail to load a controller's view

Howdy there.  I'm quite new with the yii framework(as most of us, I presume, are) and I just stumbled across the first problem I haven't been able to solve by myself.

I've scaffolded a table using the yii shell, which worked fine.  I've been doing my development on my laptop, then deploying it onto a server, via FTP.  Once I have uploaded all the documents(at least my client says no files are missing,)  I get the error shown in the pastebin link below:


It seems that it finds the ArticlesController, but is unable to throw me any views associated with it.  Needless to say, the whole thing works on my laptop…

Do you know an answer to my problem?

it seems you use a different controller naming convention than the yii default one.

As in the blog demo, an Article controller is 'normally' named Article.php, with it's views under /protected/views/article.

If you name the controller as ArticleController.php, then what is the view folder name?


it seems you use a different controller naming convention than the yii default one.

As in the blog demo, an Article controller is 'normally' named Article.php, with it's views under /protected/views/article.

If you name the controller as ArticleController.php, then what is the view folder name?

I haven't made any changes to the naming conventions - here's my directory structure for this particular project.


I may note, that other custom controllers/views that I have created, in very much the same way as the articles one, are working fine - both on the laptop and on the deployment server.

Any ideas?


Looks like hlg is using the default yii controller naming convention actually.

Maybe a permissions issue?

From the call stack you see, that the problem comes from line 117 in ArticlesController.php. What command is called there? If i should take a guess i’d say it’s a problem with case sensitivity. Something like articles::model() where it should be Articles::model(). Or if your model classname is really lowercase then the filename also has to be.


From the call stack you see, that the problem comes from line 117 in ArticlesController.php. What command is called there? If i should take a guess i'd say it's a problem with case sensitivity. Something like articles::model() where it should be Articles::model(). Or if your model classname is really lowercase then the filename also has to be.

This was a problem with lowercase Articles indeed.  I didn’t spend enough time groking the stack trace, and even if I had,  I wouldn’t have thought of the difference between case-sensitivty on each machine.  Now it occurs to me that I’m running HFS+ on the laptop, and it defaulted to case-insensitivity… damn you, Steve Jobs!

Thank you very much for the help guys. I'd probably be stumbling around this for quite a few more hours.