'solved' Compare Two Columns And Color It Depending Of The Return Value In A Cgridview

hi actually im trying to make a comparation beetween 2 columns in a cgrid view and dependind on the value of that comparation i want to color the row in my project:

if Km_Actual is more than Km_Vida then i want to color the row in red

if Km_Actual is the same as Km_Change then color the row in yellow,

and if the Km_Actial is less than Km_change color the row in green

so i have this Function in my model Llantas

public function getColor() {                          

            $Flag = 0;

            if ($this->Km_Vida < $this->Km_Actual) {

                $Flag = 1;

                return $Flag;

            } else {

                $Flag = 2;

                return $Flag;


            $statuscolor = 'white';

            switch ($Flag) {

                case 1:

                    $statuscolor = 'red';


                case 2:

                    $statuscolor = 'yellow';



            return $statuscolor;


so when i run the code on my browser it just show the data grid it self it does not color anything, a have the colors already declared on my css that is not the issue,

Remove the two lines that say "return $Flag;"

When you return a value, the rest of the function is skipped.

The switch is not useful. I suggest you do something like this:

public function getColor() {

	if ($this->Km_Vida < $this->Km_Actual) {

		return 'red';

	} else {

		return 'yellow';



for the ones who still being interested I solved the issue already I made the comparation on the same function this is on my model and it looks like this…

public function getColor() {


            if ($this->Km_Actual > $this->Km_Vida){              



                elseif ($this->Km_Actual < $this->Km_Vida){



            elseif($this->Km_Actual === $this->Km_Change) {              



            elseif($this->Km_Actual > $this->Km_Change and $this->Km_Actual < $this->Km_Vida) {



            return $statuscolor;


this is the code I have on the css main file to color the rows



        background: #E41B17;




        background: #CCFF99;




        background: #FFFF99;




        background: #FFFFFF;




        background: #F87431;


and finally I print the result on the CGridView in the view Like this

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(




        'rowCssClassExpression'=>'$data->color',// here I call the function color




and looks like this…

regards to every one…

thanks for the answer pretty much aprecciated
