[Solved] Cdbcachedependency Error: Sqlstate[Hy093]: Invalid Parameter Number: Columns/parameters Are 1-Based

I’m trying to use a parameter in my CDbCacheDependency cache settings but I’m getting the following error:

SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: Columns/Parameters are 1-based

Here are my cache settings in my controller:

public function filters()


    return array(

        'accessControl', // perform access control for CRUD operations

        'postOnly + delete', // we only allow deletion via POST request


        'COutputCache + index',

        'requestTypes' => array('GET'),

        'duration'=> 60 * 60 * 24,

        'varyByParam' => array('Post_page'),     



            'sql'=>'SELECT MAX(modified) FROM post',





        'COutputCache + view',

        'requestTypes' => array('GET'),

        'duration'=> 60 * 60 * 24,

        'varyByParam' => array('slug'),     



            'sql'=> 'SELECT MAX(modified) FROM post WHERE slug = :slug',

            'params' => array(':slug', $_GET['slug']),






The index cache works correctly, however when I added the view cache I get the above error. If I manually specify the slug value (e.g. 'SELECT MAX(modified) FROM post WHERE slug = ‘xyz’) then it works but I’m having trouble parameterizing it.

The params array should be like below:

'params' => array(':slug' => $_GET['slug']),

Doh! Good catch thanks

Happy to help :)