[Solved] Blank Page

I have a web application in my development computer that is working perfect. But in the working version, when I access to the views of a model the screen goes to completely white, no logo, no menús, nothing at all. If I see the page code is empty.

Also, the description of the page changes to the URL, instead of the descriptive text: "" when it has to be "SACATIC - Servicios de … ".

I’ve been writing some bad direction, but it shows me an 404 error. But not in this case.

Suppose I am forgetting something, but have checked everything and can’t find something. I am using Netbeans, but I can’t debugging the remote machine.

In general on production all the error display settings are disabled so in case of an PHP error you get just a blank page…

some ideas:

  • check the protected/runtime/application.log to see if you will get any useful info from there

  • check if you have any error_log file (existance of that file and the location depends on server settings)

  • if those above do not help and if you have access to the PHP settings (php.ini) try to enable the error display settings

I just solved:

I have checked the Apache log: tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

There was an error. An extra } in one controller function. Then it shows another error with a comma in the view.

Now it’s ok.

Thanks for the info about the errors. I didn’t know the error display is disabled.