simpletreeview not working

hi community,

i cant get the extension simpletree to work.

my setup:


public function actionsimpletree()





public function actionIndex()




		$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Aktenschrank');







class Aktenschrank extends CActiveRecord

index view:



	'id' => 'simpletree_widget',

	'modelPropertyName' => 'name',

	'modelPropertyParentId' => 'parent_id',

    'ajaxUrl' => $this->createAbsoluteUrl('/aktenschrank/simpletree'),


table structure:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tbl_aktenschrank` (

  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,

  `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

  `position` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

  `parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


what did i do wrong?

please help

Are you getting any errors? What is the exact problem you are facing?

@Mukesh thnx 4 answering

The problem is that i only see to Loading node… and no data from db

did you try debugging? Did you check the application.log in runtime folder as well as the console output in the browser?


aplication.log is empty…

how do i use console output in the browser?

Edit: if you mean the normal errors shown in browser: there are none

Edit2: i just installed yii-debug-toolbar to see if there are any errors but again i cant see any

[color="#006400"]/* Moved from General Discussion to Extensions */[/color]

hi all,

i just got it working!

What i did was just to replace the extension (newest) with this one

So i took a look at the change log from version 0.6:

Release 0.6

FEATURE: It is now possible to write protect a model with $Model->readonly = true;. Write protected models are not protected from indirect deletion in case one of its ancestors is deleted.

CHANGE: Models are now loaded via Ajax to accommodate large tables

FIX: It's no longer possible to drag folders outside the root folder(s)

FIX: Copied models now show correct IDs instead of "unidentified"

FIX: It's now possible to copy a copied model without the need to refresh first

…it seems that it has something to do with this line "CHANGE: Models are now loaded via Ajax to accommodate large tables" but thats all i figured out by now.

it would be very nice if somebody could clarify things up

Hi! Thank you for this tip, i was seeing "loading" when using version 0.6 and version 0.5b works fine.

Would like to know why the latest version can’t work? I cannot post on the extension comments to ask directly the author :(

Anyway, thanks! ::)

Edit : Actually it doesn’t save the changes we do, to the database :(

This might have something to do with ajax