Similar Function, Different Error, Trying To Get Property Of Non-Object,

Hi, everyone,

I’m stuck with this piece of code below.

I have two action in controller (actionChangePassword and actionResetPassword) using similar ‘saveNewPassword’ function in two model (changePassword and resetPassword), but one of the action (actionResetPassword) gave me an error: ‘Trying to get property of non-object’ when I tried to retrieve salt value.

file /model/ChangePasswordForm and /model/ResetPasswordForm :


    public function saveNewPassword()


        //retrieve salt from user table

	$sql = "SELECT username,salt FROM user WHERE username=:username LIMIT 1";

	$model=User::model()->findBySql($sql, array(':username'=>Yii::app()->user->name));

        //this line gave me an error in actionResetPassword

        $test = $model->salt;

file /controller/UserController :

	public function actionResetPassword($username,$reset_code)


		$model=new ResetPasswordForm();

		$sql = "SELECT username,reset_password,EXTRACT(HOUR from TIMEDIFF(NOW(),reset_date)) AS how_long

                        FROM user WHERE username=:username and reset_password=:reset_password ";

		$connection = Yii::app()->db;

		$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);	

		$command->bindParam(":username", $username, PDO::PARAM_STR);

		$command->bindParam(":reset_password", $reset_code, PDO::PARAM_STR);	

		$result = $command->queryRow();	


		if($result===null) {

			// invalid username or reset_password code

			$model->addError('reset_password', 'Username or Reset Code not found!');

		} elseif ($result['how_long'] > 12) {

                        // reset code expired

			$model->addError('reset_password', 'Reset Code expired!');

		} else {

			if (isset($_POST['ResetPasswordForm'])) {


				if ($model->validate()) {



					// todo

				} else {

					// todo




		$this->render('resetpassword', array('model'=>$model));	




	public function actionChangePassword()


		$model=new ChangePasswordForm();

		if (isset($_POST['ChangePasswordForm'])) {



			if ($model->validate()) {



				// todo

			} else {

				// todo



		$this->render('changepassword', array('model'=>$model));


I can avoid the error in actionResetPassword by using this line:

        $test = $model['salt']; 

But I didn’t understand why saveNewPassword() function is working in one controller/model and not to the other.

Btw, sorry for my English.

Thanks in advance.

You should add extra check to saveNewPassword() in case of User is not found.

You’re using condition based on user’s logged state (Yii::app()->user->name), it’s not reliable.

Thanks, here is my latest source code for saveNewPassword() in /model/ResetPasswordForm :

    public function saveNewPassword()


        $safeUsername =  CHtml::encode($_GET['username']); //username from a reset password link

	$sql = "SELECT salt FROM user WHERE username=:username LIMIT 1";

	$model=User::model()->findBySql($sql, array(':username'=> $safeUsername ));