Showing an alert,if checkbox has been pushed

Hi guys,

I try to send a simple alert() using jquery in GridView, but I fail.I only get alertBox pushing first checkbox. Clicking other Checkboxes won’t trigger alertBox.

Any ideas,what is wrong with this code?


                'class' => 'yii\grid\CheckboxColumn','headerOptions'=>['id'=>'cb'], 'checkboxOptions' => function($model) {

                    return ['value' => $model->id];





 $search = "$('.search-button').click(function(){


return false;


    $CheckBox = "$('#cb').change(function () {



    $dummy = 'id';





It’s because the identifier must be unique throughout the page. Try this:

<?= GridView::widget([

    'id' => 'blabla',

    'columns' => [

        ['class' => 'yii\grid\CheckboxColumn'],


]); ?>



    $(document).on('click', '#blabla input[type=\'checkbox\']', function(){




Ur solution works pretty well. Thx a lot for this…

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