Show Many_Many Relation In Cdetailview

Hi, I have a many to many relation and I can show all related data in one column. Like in Label address I show 3 addresses. What I want now is to have 3 Labels created dynamically and show each address separated.

How I get Address now:

public function getAddressName()


		$names = array();

		foreach($this->addresses as $address) {

			$names[] = $address->name.";";



		return implode("\n", $names);


Is this?

public function getAddressLabels()


	$arrLabels = array();

	foreach($this->addresses as $address)


		$arrLabels[] = CHtml::label($address);


	return $arrLabels;


I think i wasn’t clear enough.

CDetailView looks like this atm.

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(










)); ?>

The output looks like this:

Id: 1

Address: address1, address2, address3,

I want it to look like that:

Id: 1

Address: address1

Address: address2

Address: address3

A simple method could be substitute last line of your getAddressName() method with:

return implode("<br />", $names);

but last left label will be one for all address values.

Mhh yea, but that give me the output:

Address: address1



I think something like dynamic row generation is needed for each address.

If this is possible?

You could extract array attributes and populate separately.

I mean:

$arrAttributes = array( 'id' );

$arrLabels = array();

foreach($this->addresses as $address)


       $arrLabels[] = array( 'label' => 'Address', 'value' => $address);



$arrAttributes = $arrAttributes + $arrLabels;

$this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(


        'attributes'=> $arrAttributes



Thank you very much.

That is exactly what I was looking for.