Short If Condition To Put Value Cgridview Column


I have code:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(










	            'type' => 'html',





active has values 0 and 1. In first column after id I display active as 0 or 1. It works ok. In another column I want to put status text (Active or Unactive) name based on active value. I wanted to use short if statement


but it gives me Active all the time. Where is the trick here?

This did the trick:


turn on error reporting :)

hi you can try like this…


        	'header' => 'Status',

			'type' => 'html',


			'filter'=> CHtml::activeDropDownList($model,'withdraw_status',array('0'=>'Unactive','1'=>'Active'),array('empty'=>'Please Select')),	



and in controller…

protected function someFunction($data,$row)





	   	case '1': $var = 'Active'; break;


		   default:  $var = 'Inactive'; break;



   	return $var;  


I hope it will help u

or simplest way


        'header' => 'Status',

        'filter' => array('' => 'Please Select', '0'=>'Unactive', '1'=>'Active'),

        'value' => '$this->filter[$data->withdraw_status]',
