Set up graphical interface for site permissions

I’m in the process of learning yii and I would love some help with building a (for me) more complex form.

My goal it to set up a simple graphical interface for setting the permissions for each controller / action.

I setup Yii2 basic and used this article to set up the simple rbac system. Great how to!

I also setup the tree manager build by Krajee to show a layout of the site.

Now I have a tree in the database that follows the structure of the website and I adjusted the accessRules to look in the database for the roles that have permission (and if the user has that role).

The tree looks like this:

I have three tables in my database to make this work. I simplified them for this question.

Table1: User

  • Id
  • Name
  • Roles

Table2: Role

  • Id
  • Name

Table3: Permission (the table from Krajee Tree Manager with 3 extra fields)

  • Id
  • ….
  • ….
  • Controller
  • Action
  • Roles

So, a user can be part of a role or multiple roles. The roles are comma separated stored in the user table.

The Permission table has a record for every action on a specific controller. In this example the site controller is shown with the index action. In the field Roles it is set that Role 1 and 2 have permission. Also comma separated in the Roles field.

Can someone tell me how to change the Krajee form so that it will show a checkbox list of all of the available roles (in this case role 1 and 2 would be selected) instead of the comma separated field. Also I would love it to be able to add, edit and delete roles with this form (single page).

Below is my controller, model and form. All of them are basically from Krajee.


class PermissionController extends \yii\web\Controller
    public function actionIndex()
        $model = new \app\models\Permission();

        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
            if ($model->validate()) {
                // form inputs are valid, do something here

        return $this->render('index', [
            'model' => $model,


namespace app\models;

use Yii;

 * This is the model class for table "permission".
 * @property int $id
 * @property int|null $parent_id
 * @property string $title
 * @property Permission $parent
 * @property Permission[] $categories
class Permission extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
    use \kartik\tree\models\TreeTrait {
        isDisabled as parentIsDisabled; // note the alias

     * @inheritdoc
    public function rules()
        $rules = parent::rules();
        $rules[] = ['controller', 'safe'];
        $rules[] = ['action', 'safe'];
        $rules[] = ['roles', 'safe'];
        return $rules;

     * @var string the classname for the TreeQuery that implements the NestedSetQueryBehavior.
     * If not set this will default to `kartik	ree\models\TreeQuery`.
    public static $treeQueryClass; // change if you need to set your own TreeQuery

     * @var bool whether to HTML encode the tree node names. Defaults to `true`.
    public $encodeNodeNames = true;

     * @var bool whether to HTML purify the tree node icon content before saving.
     * Defaults to `true`.
    public $purifyNodeIcons = true;

     * @var array activation errors for the node
    public $nodeActivationErrors = [];

     * @var array node removal errors
    public $nodeRemovalErrors = [];

     * @var bool attribute to cache the `active` state before a model update. Defaults to `true`.
    public $activeOrig = true;

     * @inheritdoc
    public static function tableName()
        return 'frondend_permission';

     * Note overriding isDisabled method is slightly different when
     * using the trait. It uses the alias.
    public function isDisabled()
        //if (Yii::$app->user->username !== 'admin') {
        //    return true;
        return $this->parentIsDisabled();

class Frondend_role extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
     * @return string the name of the table associated with this ActiveRecord class.
    public static function tableName()
        return 'frondend_role';

 * Krajee From
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; Kartik Visweswaran,, 2015 - 2019
 * @package   yii2-tree-manager
 * @version   1.1.2

use kartik\form\ActiveForm;
use kartik\tree\Module;
use kartik\tree\TreeView;
use kartik\tree\models\Tree;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\web\View;

 * @var View $this
 * @var Tree $node
 * @var ActiveForm $form
 * @var array $formOptions
 * @var string $keyAttribute
 * @var string $nameAttribute
 * @var string $iconAttribute
 * @var string $iconTypeAttribute
 * @var array|string $iconsList
 * @var string $formAction
 * @var array $breadcrumbs
 * @var array $nodeAddlViews
 * @var mixed $currUrl
 * @var boolean $isAdmin
 * @var boolean $showIDAttribute
 * @var boolean $showNameAttribute
 * @var boolean $showFormButtons
 * @var boolean $allowNewRoots
 * @var string $nodeSelected
 * @var string $nodeTitle
 * @var string $nodeTitlePlural
 * @var array $params
 * @var string $keyField
 * @var string $nodeView
 * @var string $nodeAddlViews
 * @var array $nodeViewButtonLabels
 * @var string $noNodesMessage
 * @var boolean $softDelete
 * @var string $modelClass
 * @var string $defaultBtnCss
 * @var string $treeManageHash
 * @var string $treeSaveHash
 * @var string $treeRemoveHash
 * @var string $treeMoveHash
 * @var string $hideCssClass

 * SECTION 1: Initialize node view params & setup helper methods.
$session = Yii::$app->has('session') ? Yii::$app->session : null;
$resetTitle = Yii::t('kvtree', 'Reset');
$submitTitle = Yii::t('kvtree', 'Save');

// parse parent key
if ($node->isNewRecord) {
    $parentKey = empty($parentKey) ? '' : $parentKey;
} elseif (empty($parentKey)) {
    $parent = $node->parents(1)->one();
    $parentKey = empty($parent) ? '' : Html::getAttributeValue($parent, $keyAttribute);

/** @var Module $module */
$module = TreeView::module();

// active form instance
$form = ActiveForm::begin(['action' => $formAction, 'options' => $formOptions]);

// helper function to show alert
$showAlert = function ($type, $body = '', $hide = true) use($hideCssClass) {
    $class = "alert alert-{$type}";
    if ($hide) {
        $class .= ' ' . $hideCssClass;
    return Html::tag('div', '<div>' . $body . '</div>', ['class' => $class]);

// helper function to render additional view content
$renderContent = function ($part) use ($nodeAddlViews, $params, $form) {
    if (empty($nodeAddlViews[$part])) {
        return '';
    $p = $params;
    $p['form'] = $form;
    return $this->render($nodeAddlViews[$part], $p);

// node identifier
$id = $node->isNewRecord ? null : $node->$keyAttribute;
// breadcrumbs
if (array_key_exists('depth', $breadcrumbs) && $breadcrumbs['depth'] === null) {
    $breadcrumbs['depth'] = '';
} elseif (!empty($breadcrumbs['depth'])) {
    $breadcrumbs['depth'] = (string)$breadcrumbs['depth'];
// icons list
$icons = is_array($iconsList) ? array_values($iconsList) : $iconsList;

 * SECTION 2: Initialize hidden attributes. In case you are extending this and creating your own view, it is mandatory
 * to set all these hidden inputs as defined below.
<?= Html::hiddenInput('nodeTitle', $nodeTitle) ?>
<?= Html::hiddenInput('nodeTitlePlural', $nodeTitlePlural) ?>
<?= Html::hiddenInput('treeNodeModify', $node->isNewRecord) ?>
<?= Html::hiddenInput('parentKey', $parentKey) ?>
<?= Html::hiddenInput('currUrl', $currUrl) ?>
<?= Html::hiddenInput('modelClass', $modelClass) ?>
<?= Html::hiddenInput('nodeSelected', $nodeSelected) ?>

 * SECTION 3: Hash signatures to prevent data tampering. In case you are extending this and creating your own view, it
 * is mandatory to include this section below.
<?= Html::hiddenInput('treeManageHash', $treeManageHash) ?>
<?= Html::hiddenInput('treeRemoveHash', $treeRemoveHash) ?>
<?= Html::hiddenInput('treeMoveHash', $treeMoveHash) ?>
<?php if (!$node->isNewRecord || !empty($parentKey)): ?>
    $isAdmin = ($isAdmin == true || $isAdmin === "true"); // admin mode flag
    $inputOpts = [];                                      // readonly/disabled input options for node
    $flagOptions = ['class' => 'kv-parent-flag'];         // node options for parent/child

     * the primary key input field
    if ($showIDAttribute) {
        $options = ['readonly' => true];
        if ($node->isNewRecord) {
            $options['value'] = Yii::t('kvtree', '(new)');
        $keyField = $form->field($node, $keyAttribute)->textInput($options);
    } else {
        $keyField = Html::activeHiddenInput($node, $keyAttribute);

     * initialize for create or update
    $depth = ArrayHelper::getValue($breadcrumbs, 'depth', '');
    $glue = ArrayHelper::getValue($breadcrumbs, 'glue', '');
    $activeCss = ArrayHelper::getValue($breadcrumbs, 'activeCss', '');
    $untitled = ArrayHelper::getValue($breadcrumbs, 'untitled', '');
    $name = $node->getBreadcrumbs($depth, $glue, $activeCss, $untitled);
    if ($node->isNewRecord && !empty($parentKey) && $parentKey !== TreeView::ROOT_KEY) {
         * @var Tree $modelClass
         * @var Tree $parent
        if (empty($depth)) {
            $depth = null;
        if ($depth === null || $depth > 0) {
            $parent = $modelClass::findOne($parentKey);
            $name = $parent->getBreadcrumbs($depth, $glue, null) . $glue . $name;
    if ($node->isReadonly()) {
        $inputOpts['readonly'] = true;
    if ($node->isDisabled()) {
        $inputOpts['disabled'] = true;
    if ($node->isLeaf()) {
        $flagOptions['disabled'] = true;

    $nameField = $showNameAttribute ? $form->field($node, $nameAttribute)->textInput($inputOpts) : '';
     * SECTION 4: Setup form action buttons.
    <div class="kv-detail-heading">
        <?php if (empty($inputOpts['disabled']) || ($isAdmin && $showFormButtons)): ?>
            <div class="float-right pull-right">
                <?= Html::resetButton(
                    ArrayHelper::getValue($nodeViewButtonLabels, 'reset', $resetTitle),
                    ['class' => 'btn ' . $defaultBtnCss, 'title' => $resetTitle]
                ) ?>
                <?= Html::submitButton(
                    ArrayHelper::getValue($nodeViewButtonLabels, 'submit', $submitTitle),
                    ['class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'title' => $submitTitle]
                ) ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <div class="kv-detail-crumbs"><?= $name ?></div>
        <div class="clearfix"></div>

     * SECTION 5: Setup alert containers. Mandatory to set this up.
    <div class="kv-treeview-alerts">
        if ($session && $session->hasFlash('success')) {
            echo $showAlert('success', $session->getFlash('success'), false);
        } else {
            echo $showAlert('success');
        if ($session && $session->hasFlash('error')) {
            echo $showAlert('danger', $session->getFlash('error'), false);
        } else {
            echo $showAlert('danger');
        echo $showAlert('warning');
        echo $showAlert('info');

     * SECTION 6: Additional views part 1 - before all form attributes.
    echo $renderContent(Module::VIEW_PART_1);

     * SECTION 7: Basic node attributes for editing.
    <?php if ($iconsList == 'text' || $iconsList == 'none'): ?>
        <?php if ($showIDAttribute && $showNameAttribute): ?>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-sm-4">
                    <?= $keyField ?>
                <div class="col-sm-8">
                    <?= $nameField ?>
        <?php else: ?>
            <?= $keyField ?>
            <?= $nameField ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if ($iconsList === 'text'): ?>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-sm-4">
                    <?= $form->field($node, $iconTypeAttribute)->dropdownList([
                        TreeView::ICON_CSS => 'CSS Suffix',
                        TreeView::ICON_RAW => 'Raw Markup',
                        ], $inputOpts) ?>
                <div class="col-sm-8">
                    <?= $form->field($node, $iconAttribute)->textInput($inputOpts) ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
    <?php else: ?>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-sm-6">
                <?= $keyField ?>
                <?= Html::activeHiddenInput($node, $iconTypeAttribute) ?>
                <?= $nameField ?>
            <div class="col-sm-6">
                <?= /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
                $form->field($node, $iconAttribute)->multiselect($iconsList, [
                    'item' => function ($index, $label, $name, $checked, $value) use ($inputOpts) {
                        if ($index == 0 && $value == '') {
                            $checked = true;
                            $value = '';
                        return '<div class="radio">' . Html::radio($name, $checked, [
                                'value' => $value,
                                'label' => $label,
                                'disabled' => !empty($inputOpts['readonly']) || !empty($inputOpts['disabled']),
                            ]) . '</div>';
                    'selector' => 'radio',
                ]) ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

     * SECTION 8: Additional views part 2 - before admin zone.
    <?= $renderContent(Module::VIEW_PART_2) ?>

     * SECTION 9: Administrator attributes zone.
    <?php if ($isAdmin): ?>
        <h4><?= Yii::t('kvtree', 'Admin Settings') ?></h4>

         * SECTION 10: Additional views part 3 - within admin zone BEFORE mandatory attributes.
        <?= $renderContent(Module::VIEW_PART_3) ?>

         * SECTION 11: Default mandatory admin controlled attributes.
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-sm-4">
                <?= $form->field($node, 'active')->checkbox() ?>
                <?= $form->field($node, 'visible')->checkbox() ?>
                <?= $form->field($node, 'readonly')->checkbox() ?>
                <?= $form->field($node, 'disabled')->checkbox() ?>
                <?= $form->field($node, 'child_allowed')->checkbox() ?>
            <div class="col-sm-4">
                <?= $form->field($node, 'selected')->checkbox() ?>
                <?= $form->field($node, 'collapsed')->checkbox($flagOptions) ?>
                <?= $form->field($node, 'removable')->checkbox() ?>
                <?= $form->field($node, 'removable_all')->checkbox($flagOptions) ?>
            <div class="col-sm-4">
                <?= $form->field($node, 'movable_u')->checkbox() ?>
                <?= $form->field($node, 'movable_d')->checkbox() ?>
                <?= $form->field($node, 'movable_l')->checkbox() ?>
                <?= $form->field($node, 'movable_r')->checkbox() ?>

         * SECTION 12: Additional views part 4 - within admin zone AFTER mandatory attributes.

        <?= $renderContent(Module::VIEW_PART_4) ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
     * SECTION 13: Additional views part 5 accessible by all users after admin zone.

        <div class="col-sm-4">
            <?= $form->field($node, 'controller') ?>
            <?= $form->field($node, 'action') ?>
            <?= $form->field($node, 'roles') ?>

    <?= $renderContent(Module::VIEW_PART_5) ?>
<?php else: ?>
    <?= $noNodesMessage ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>

Hi bartkramer, welcome to the Yii community!

The easiest solution for the user problem, to me is using the yii2-usuario plugin.
It’ll give you the screens, the tables and from there you can learn and develop your on solution on top of it or from scratch, using the knowledge from it.

For the roles checkbox, you can use ActiveField checkboxList, passing an array to it (where the key is the role id and value is the role name).

If you wan’t to make things single page, I suggest taking a look at Working with Pjax.

Thank you for the tips Bruno!
I will try! If I learn something that is worthwhile for others, I will share it here!