In sharing hosts time is on GMT typically.
How to change mysql time zone in ActiveRecord?
In sharing hosts time is on GMT typically.
How to change mysql time zone in ActiveRecord?
SET time_zone = timezone;
CDbConnection::$initSQLs can be used to execute the above statement automatically on each connection.
I think you have to set it globally,so…
Try this in protected/config/main.php
return array(
'timeZone' => 'Europe/Athens'
You should keep your app tz to utc/0:00, that’s for php and mysql, always.
Then when you retrieve the data or display it, take into consideration the user timezone and convert accordingly. Even if your app uses utc+2 for example, it still needs to save the data as utc+00 and somewhere at init make the conversion.
That’s the only correct way to do it if you care about date accuracy, and you’ll see in the long run this is a win, think at apps with multiple users from multiple timezones, etc.
Just my 2 cents.
I was looking for a option in db component.
my current solution is run below command in beforeSave model event . is it a suitable practice?
Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SET time_zone = '+4:30'")->execute();
I’m looking for best dynamic way to set time zone and daylight saving time.
Hi again
In your way you can set the timezone conditionally and in specific(s) controller(s)/action(s) you want.
In my way you can set timezone in every request globally
PS: thanks for your voting
How to use your way? where is place for setting timezone(executing set time_zone command)?
timeZone calls Internally (via setter) the setTimeZone of the CApplication class
the setTimeZone calls the php function "date_default_timezone_set"
My friends, i know this. My mean is, how to it affect on MySQL time_zone?
I want
$this->createTime = new CDbExpression ('NOW()')
run according to user time zone.
It can be set dynamically by overriding CDbConnection::initConnection():
class MyDbConnection extends CDbConnection
protected function initConnection($pdo)
if (Yii:app()->user->hasState('timezone') {
$pdo->exec('SET time_zone = ...');
. . .
"SET time_zone = '+4:30'"
. . .
PHP and Mysql have separated time system, so
if you want to synchronize php and mysql time in specific timezone use both of two settings
'timeZone' => 'Europe/Athens'
. . .
"SET time_zone = '+3:00'" //for my country (Greece)
Also you could check the results with this code:
$r1 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("select now()")->queryScalar();
$r2 = date('m/d/Y h:i:s a', time()));
echo ($r1);
echo ($r2);
The recommendation to use a numeric timezone may result in incorrect times during daylight saving time.
I would recommend the following:
$config_tz = 'America/Denver' ;
'timeZone' => $config_tz ,
'initSQLs' => array( "SET time_zone = '$config_tz'", ),