Separating Some Parts Of Application

I am looking for a way to separate some parts of my application which will allow me to manage different sites faster.

I would like to use one backend with several sites.

This is what I would like to move in separated folder (ex. inside themes folder)

  • config - each site will require differen configuration settings

  • the theme - probbably if I use the theme folder for storing everything else will not require this

  • models - probbably only for the onse extending CFormModel

  • partial views - some will be required for the backend

and in the backend configuration I have set

    	    'controllerPath' => dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/admin/controllers',

	        'viewPath' => dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/admin/views',

to separate the admin panel from the frontend

check this out, it will give you some ideas for separating backend, frontend, themes and … from each other:
