Separate precision from in CDbSchema::$columnTypes

I started working with Yii migrate scripts and noticed something. It doesn’t support to change the default precision. I’m suggesting a change to CDbSchema::$columnTypes to an array without precision. For example in CMssqlScheme I would replace the following:

    public $columnTypes=array(


        'string' => 'varchar(255)',



with this code:

    public $columnTypes=array(


        'string' => 'varchar', // or nvarchar even, because mssql varchar doesn't store multibyte characters



This would be similar in CMysqlScheme and the other database-specific files. This requires some changes to CDbScheme::getColumnType(), something like:

    public function getColumnType($type)



            return $this->columnTypes[$type];

        /* added the following 2 lines */

        else if (preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z]+)\(([0-9,\s]*)\)/',$type,$matches))

            return $this->getColumnType($matches[1][0])."(".$matches[2][0].")";

        else if(($pos=strpos($type,' '))!==false)



            return (isset($this->columnTypes[$t]) ? $this->columnTypes[$t] : $t).substr($type,$pos);



            return $type;
