Seo Friendly Urls

I’m using php and Yii framework to create an web application but I`m stucked with some dynamic friendly URLs. I have the following scenario: in my view I have a form with a dropdown (where the user can select the SEASON) and two another hidden fields (eventID and playerName). When the user selects a season or click on the right panels (event or player) I submitted the form to the server with the selected values. Now what I want is to create the urls something like this: -> where (*)? 0 or 1 time e.g.

Here is my view (h.t.t.p.:// and the view.php is:

<div id='main'>

 <div style="margin-left:50px;margin-top: 60px;width: 350px; border: 1px solid black; float:left;">

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CBreadcrumbs', array(

    'homeLink' => CHtml::link('Home', Yii::app()->homeUrl),

    'links'=> $this->breadcrumbs));?><p>Season: <?php echo $selectedSeason;?> <br/>player:  <?php echo $selectedPlayer?> <br/>Id event: <?php echo $selectedEventId; ?></p>

    <?php echo CHtml::beginForm('', 'get', array('id' => 'filters_form', 'action' => $formURL));

        echo CHtml::dropDownList(



            CHtml::listData($seasons, 'season_id', 'name'),


                'prompt' => 'Select a season',

                'onchange' =>"js:$('#filters_form').submit()"



    <input type="hidden" name="eventId" id="event_field" value="<?php echo $selectedEventId;?>" />

    <input type="hidden" name="playerName" id="player_field" value="<?php echo $selectedPlayer;?>" />

    <?php echo CHtml::endForm(); ?>


    <?php foreach ($matches as $match) { ?>

        <div class="match">

            <p><a href="<?php $this->createUrl('statistics/view', array('id' => $match->id, 'slug' => $match->match_date)); ?>">

            <?php echo $match->homeTeam->Name." <b>$match->home_goals - $match->away_goals</b> ".$match->awayTeam->Name; ?></a></p>

            <p><?php $match->match_date;?></p>

            <p><?php $match->match_type;?></p>

            <p><?php $match->home_goals;?></p>

            <p><?php $match->away_goals;?></p>



    <?php } ?>


<div id="vertical_filters" style="float:left;margin-top:60px;">

    <div class="filter_left" style="margin-left:20px;">


        <?php foreach ($events as $event) { ?>

                <li class="list-item">

                    <a class="event <?php if($selectedEventId == $event['id']) echo "selected";?>" href="<?php echo $event['id']; ?>"><?php echo $event['name']; ?></a>


        <?php } ?>




    <div class="filter_left" style="margin-left:20px;">


        <?php foreach ($players as $player) { ?>

                <li class="list-item">

                    <a class="player <?php if ($selectedPlayer == $player['id']) echo "selected"; ?>" href="<?php echo $player['name']; ?>"><?php echo $player['name'] . ' ' . $player['surname']; ?></a>


        <?php } ?>        





    $(function() {


        $('.event').click(function(e) {


            value = $(this).attr('href');




        $('.player').click(function(e) {


            value = ($(this).text() != 'All players')?$(this).text():'';






I tried in main.cfg to set a rule something like this:

'stats(/<season:\w+>)?(/<eventId:\d+>)?(/<playerName:\w+>)?' => 'statistics/index/',

but no success.


Please verify your URL Pattern here:

Your Regex ([font="Courier New"]stats(/\w+)?(/\d+)?(/\w+)?[/font]) does not match your examples.

The character class \w does not contain the "-" character. So try this:

'stats(/<season:[\w-]+>)?(/<eventId:\d+>)?(/<playerName:[\w-]+>)?' => 'statistics/index/',

I modified the regex but no friendly-url. ohh…

class StatisticsController extends Controller



	public function actionIndex($season = null, $playerName = null, $eventId = null)



		//only dummy/unprocessed data;

		$seasons = Season::model()->findAll();

		$matches = Match::model()->with('homeTeam','awayTeam')->findAll();

		$criteria = new CDbCriteria;    

		$criteria->limit = 10;

		$events = EventType::model()->findAll($criteria);

		$players = Player::model()->findAll();


		$selectedSeason = Yii::app()->request->getQuery('season');

		$selectedPlayer = Yii::app()->request->getQuery('playerName');

		$selectedEventId = Yii::app()->request->getQuery('eventId');


		$url = $this->createUrl('statistics/index', array(

			'season' => $selectedSeason,

			'eventId' => $selectedEventId,

			'player' => $selectedPlayer,


		echo $url;//it returns /football/35/90/Arno-Celestini---without stats in url?!?!


class MyRule extends CBaseUrlRule {

public function parseUrl($oManager, $oRequest, $sPathInfo, $sRawPathInfo) {

		$url = false;

		if (preg_match('%^(\w+)(/(\w+))?(/(\w+))?(/(\w+))?$%', $sPathInfo, $matches)) {

			if ($matches[1] === 'statistics') {

					$url = $matches[0];



		return $url;


public function createUrl($oManager, $sRoute, $params, $sAmpersand) {		

		$url = false;

		if ($sRoute === 'statistics/index') {

			if (isset($params['season'], $params['eventId'], $params['playerName']))

				$url = $params['season'] . '/' . $params['eventId'] . '/' . $params['playerName'];

			else if (isset($params['season'], $params['eventId']))

				$url = $params['season'] . '/' . $params['eventId'];

			else if (isset($params['season'], $params['playerName']))

				$url = $params['season'] . '/' . '/' . $params['playerName'];

			else if (isset($params['season']))

				$url = $params['season'] . '/';


		return $url;




in main.php:





				array('class' => 'MyRule'),

				'stats(/<season:[\w-]+>)?(/<eventId:\d+>)?(/<playerName:[\w-]+>)?' => 'statistics/index/',

				'statistics' =>'statistics/index',








		$this->render('index', array(

			'seasons' => $seasons,

			'matches' => $matches,

			'events' => $events,

			'players' => $players,

			'selectedSeason' => $selectedSeason,

			'selectedPlayer' => $selectedPlayer,

			'selectedEventId' => $selectedEventId,

			'formURL' => $url,



Please give us a working example of your code… When using CBaseUrlRule you need to implement the parseUrl() method to make URL’s work.

Also: The generated URL does not match the URL that you generate in MyRule::createUrl() (Where does the "football" string come from?)

Also you assign a parameter ‘player’ in the StatisticsController::createUrl() method, but in MyRule::createUrl() you check for a parameter ‘playerName’.

Please post the ‘components’ => ‘urlManager’ part of your config as well as related classes (such as a custom CUrlManager class and/or your CBaseUrlRule classes)

I edited the above(3rd) post .