send ajax variable to yii2

Hi guys!

I need your help, please.

I have this code js, where there are a ajax variable “idpadre” that i need to pass to variable php “variablePHP”, but i can’t:

$(document).ready(function() {




			var idpadre = "value";

			$("#pidhijo").load('<?= Url::to(['combobox', 'variablePHP' => "idpadre"]) ?>');




My code php is:


$variablePHP= $_GET['variablePHP'];

echo $variablePHP;


An important point to consider, is that this code work!, if i send in the previous url one constant, for example “1” ($("#pidhijo").load(’<?= Url::to([‘combobox’, ‘idpadre’ => 1]) ?>’);), but i need send a variable.

In other forum, i find this for yii 1:




            var id = $(this).attr("id");

            // alert(id);

            var n = $(this).val();

            // alert(n);





But i don’t know how suit to my need, in yii2 by method get

appreciate any help


$url = \yii\helpers\Url::to(['death/stl_set_relation']);




            var id = $(this).attr("id");

            // alert(id);

            var n = $(this).val();

            // alert(n);



                 { id : id, relation: n },

                 function(data) {

                       console.log("post finished!");






Thanks friend!

I will review and tell you how I was.


Hi Fabrizio,

Not work :(.

could I replace this code?



var idpadre = $(this).find(':selected').val();

$("#pidhijo").load('<?= Url::to(['combobox', 'buscar' => "hijos",'idpadre' => 1]) ?>');


for something like this?



var idpadre = $(this).find(':selected').val();

$("#pidhijo").load("'.<?= Url::to(['combobox']) ?>.'",{buscar: hijos, idpadre: idpadre });


I need change the constant "1" for the variable "idpadre" .

sorry for the disturbances.

Thanks for your help!