Selectize Widget for Yii 2

Hello buddies!

I want to install yii2 extension to modify my blog by adding dropdown list but I get this via terminal …

$ sudo php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yii2mod/yii2-selectize "*"

Could not open input file: composer.phar

Anyone to enlighten me to overcome this please.


Which steps did you do?

I am not able to send a github link to show it clearly since i’m newbie in here but I used this method below

Selectize Widget for Yii 2


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yii2mod/yii2-selectize "*"

or add

"yii2mod/yii2-selectize": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json.


Once the extension is installed, simply add widget to your page as follows:

Tagging input:

echo $form->field($model, "attribute")->widget(Selectize::className(), [

    'pluginOptions' => [

        'persist' => false,

        'createOnBlur' => true,

        'create' => true



Select input:

echo $form->field($model, "attribute")->widget(Selectize::className(), [

    'items' => [




    'pluginOptions' => [

        'persist' => false,

        'createOnBlur' => true,

        'create' => true



Tagging input with remote source and default values(If you want render select input, just setup items property):

Setup view file:

// setup the following to get the existing data from database

$model->attribute = ‘first, last’;

// or if the data is an array you can preselect the tags like this

$model->attribute = implode(’, ', [“first”, “last”]);

echo $form->field($model, "attribute")->widget(Selectize::className(), [

     'url' => '/site/search',

     'pluginOptions' => [

        'valueField' => 'name',

        'labelField' => 'name',

        'searchField' => ['name'],

        'persist' => false,

        'createOnBlur' => true,

        'create' => true



Your action must return data in the json format, for example:

public function actionSearch($query = null)


  Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;

  return [

      ['name' => 'Search Item 1'],

      ['name' => 'Search Item 2'],



Usage widget with plugins:

echo Selectize::widget([

    'name' => 'tag-selectize',

    'options' => [

         'data-data' => $values ? Json::encode($values) : null // Set default values


    'pluginOptions' => [

         // define list of plugins 

        'plugins' => ['drag_drop', 'remove_button'],

        'persist' => false,

        'createOnBlur' => true,

        'create' => true



"The preferred way to install this extension is through composer."

So did you install composer itself?

See the page I linked to.

I installed yii2 framework itself via composer or do i have to do another composer installation apart from that?

No, but perhaps you renamed "composer.phar" to "composer"?

Yes, I tried to rename it when i failed by using composer.phar but i get the same result of … Could not open input file: composer

Then I don’t know. It says “could not open” not something like “not found” so perhaps reinstall?

Using Sudo should remain in the same dir but what about search path? Try a qualified absolute path.

BTW I used su, then just started with "composer" from the prompt (global installation, renamed to composer). Never saw this kind of problem.